Frat Boy Niall

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You left the party with Jake just to get Niall’s blood boiling because he fucking had it coming. You couldn’t believe how much of a jerk he could be when he tried. It was his party, yes, but he crossed the line when he walked in on you and Jake talking and sat down with you, like it was just the natural thing to do. Jake got really upset about it, even though you didn’t care about Niall being there. You weren’t planning on hooking up with Jake, so when Niall showed up, you were okay with it, but then he started to get impolite and Jake got angry and Connor was uncomfortable and you got upset. Everyone’s mood was ruined except his and it pissed you off that he didn’t notice that. He always acted like he owned the place and it bothered you, he showed no care for other people’s feelings, unlike you. 

When he hugged you, you just wanted to hug him back and rest your head on his shoulder and feel his arms around you, but that would never happen. Niall wasn’t the type of guy to sit with a girl on a front porch and just talk, Jake was. So when Jake got up and asked if you were coming with him, you said yes. It was better than staying there with Niall who would just want to get you into bed and then leave. You didn’t even know why he did that. He usually didn’t care about you, but as soon as he saw you with Jake, he had to win you over. Having done that, he’d probably ditch you once more, and you wouldn’t be able to stand that again.

Jake was supposed to drive you home, but he wanted to have a few drinks first, and you were scared of him doing that. Drunk driving was one of your pet peeves, you couldn’t hate it more than you did and he was trying to get drunk in front of you. However, you couldn’t blame him, he was upset because of Niall, you could understand that. Nevertheless, you didn’t think of that as a reason to get hammered. Niall walked back in and just stared at you, making you feel uncomfortable. You left with Jake, you were there with Jake, he shouldn’t even be looking at you two. Where were his girls now? 

Jake asked if he could drive you home, saying he’s sick of the party and you accepted the offer, desperately wanting to get out of there. You saw Jessie walking up to Niall and asking him something, he didn’t seem interested in what she was saying, but that didn’t mean a thing. Last time they talked, they ended up fucking and you didn’t know why that night would be any different. It was his birthday, he had to get something, it was the way his mind functioned.

Somehow, you still couldn’t get over the fact that Niall could do anything he wanted with other girls. You knew you could do it, nothing was stopping you, you had no commitment, but you felt like it would be wrong, therefore you couldn’t help but wonder if he ever felt that hooking up with someone else would be wrong. He probably hasn’t, seeing as he told you he can’t feel anything more for you. That’s just it, he can’t do it. He’s not into boundaries and he hates being tied to one place or one person. You’re exactly the opposite and you two couldn’t work out, even if you were both willing to try it. You loved knowing that there are boundaries which you or other people wouldn’t cross. It just gave you peace of mind to think about things that way, some sense of security. That’s what you were thinking about when Jake drove you home on Friday night. Luckily, he wasn’t as drunk as you thought he was, so the ride was safe, you weren’t scared at all. Jake talked to you for a while about the game they were playing next week, but when he saw that you weren’t really interested in the conversation, he turned up the music and focused on the road, and you felt bad about it. It wasn’t his fault Niall screwed you over, it was yours. he didn’t have to be punished for that. The guy was really trying, you had to admit that, and instead of appreciating him for that, you were thinking about Niall

-Well, here you are.-he finally spoke after he stopped the car in front of your house.-I’m sorry you had such a bad time, I shouldn’t have asked you to come there. We should have gone some place else.

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