Frat Boy Niall

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-So wait, he called your mom and asked if he can come over to study and he actually came over andstudied?-Tyler was surprised when you told him how you spent your Saturday.-Wow. Doesn’t sound like him at all.

-I know, he actually thinks that he can get anything he wishes for. You know, like, he wanted to study and it doesn’t matter if I didn’t want that, he did and he was gonna have his way.-you rolled your eyes.-Go figure, calling my mom! Who does that? 

-Yeah, well, at least we know now that he wants you. Not that I didn’t know that already.-Tyler smirked. 

-No, it got me thinking, he actually doesn’t. It’s just about the project. He really needs this and he would do anything to pass the subject, even if that means flirting with the girl he usually wouldn’t even notice. 

-I think you’re wrong, girl, he wants a piece of that.-Tyler winked at you and took a bite of his sandwich.

The two of you were eating lunch at the college cafeteria. 

-He already had a piece of this and he thinks he has me right where he wants me. If he really liked me, do you really think he’d be making stupid sex jokes and telling people they can fuck me too and stuff like that?-you shook your head.-I don’t, I would never do that to someone I liked, it just ruins whatever chance you have with someone. He needs me more than I need him for this project and that’s why he’s being nice, when we’re alone that is. He’s a jerk when there’s a crowd around us.

-I still think you’re wrong.-Tyler shrugged.-Okay, he does need you for the project, I’ll give you that. But he doesn’t need to flirt with you because of it, he knows you’re gonna do the damn assignment anyway because you want that grade as well. He had you and I think it just turns him on when you’re a bitch towards him because, quite frankly, he doesn’t get that a lot from these ratchet ass skanks in our school. Just look at them drooling all over the guy whenever he’s at football practice or basically anywhere. You represent a sort of a challenge to him and he won’t stop until he gets you completely head over heels in love with him. 

You snorted. 

-No fucking way, Ty, no fucking way. 

-I know, but be careful. He’s got mad skills, you change your opinion on him every day, in case you haven’t noticed, which means he can affect you. If you can go from thinking he’s a jerk one day to thinking he’s actually a good guy the next, he’s got something over you. Don’t let him fool you, stay away.-he patted your shoulder.-I know you want to ride that motherfucker, but he’s not worth it. You had your fun, now move on. I even made up a rhyme! 

You laughed loudly at your friend. 

-Don’t worry, I’m aware of the fact he’s an utter asshole who has ten different faces and he chooses which one to show to whom. He just wants to prove me wrong because I’ve said no to him. He doesn’t want me, he just wants me to say yes to him. And I’m not gonna do that.-you shook your head.

-I know, but still… Why would he tell that Dylan guy that he’s your boyfriend and send him away if you’re nothing to him?-Tyler waited for you answer, but since you didn’t know what to say, he continued.-There was no need for him to do that and we both know it. I think he got jealous because Dylan was a hot, older guy and he knew he stood no chance next to him. He’s into you, but be careful. And here he comes. 

You turned around to see what Tyler was talking about and you noticed that Niall and a few of his mates from the football team and some school skanks were getting up from their table and walking towards the door, which was a few tables away from you and Tyler, meaning they’d have to pass your table in order to get to the door. You turned around to face Tyler again and prayed he wouldn’t notice you. 

Frat Boy NiallWhere stories live. Discover now