Frat Boy Niall

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Six weeks later

-Ryan, hey, stop!-you chased after him and laughed when he pulled a face at you.-I can’t run that fast! 
He ran off the football field into the nearby park, and you had no choice but to run after him. The game finished fifteen minutes before that and he tried to keep calm in his seat while you waited for Niall, but he wanted to play after seeing Niall play football, and you understood that, but what he didn’t understand was that you were too lazy for working out, so you couldn’t run after him all the time without running out of breath. You sat down on the bench and watched him jump on the trampoline. Even though you never actually liked spending time with kids since most of them were spoiled brats, you enjoyed the morning you had with Ryan. Ever since Niall and his mother made up, things were going great for their family and you were happy to see that because you knew how much that whole situation affected Niall. The last month was amazing for everyone. Niall managed to find a lot of time for you, despite having a lot of homework and studying to do for the upcoming exams. You both attended all of the classes you had to, and then you’d go to his place to study, every day except the weekends. His mother was very happy seeing Niall take college seriously for once, and it was surprising for her to see that Niall was finally serious about a girl. It was surprising for you, too, but nonetheless pleasant. It was so clear he has changed in a lot of ways, he became more mature, more reliable and he seemed happier.
You really started to get along with his mother despite what you thought before, you even prepared lunch for the boys together just the other day, so she had no problem letting Ryan stay with you for the morning and you taking him to the game to see Niall play. You thought it wouldn’t be fun at all because taking care of other people’s children was a huge responsibility, and you thought you wouldn’t enjoy it because you’d constantly be worried about Ryan being entertained and safe, but you wanted to do it for Niall, you knew it would make him happy. Quite the contrary, Ryan was an interesting kid, always sporting a smile across his face, and he reminded you of Niall in more ways than one, and your morning with him was really fun. You understood why Niall loved him so much, he was a great kid. Niall showed up at the park a while later, his head still damp from the shower he took after the game.
-Hey there.-he sat down next to you and kissed you quickly.-Is everything okay? Was Ryan a little brat? I know he gets annoying from time to time, especially if you’re not related.
-No, no, he was amazing!-you rested your head on his shoulder as you both watched Ryan play around.-He’s such a good kid. And you were great, the game was fun to watch!
-He really is great.-Niall patted your thigh and smiled.-And you’re amazing, thank you for taking care of him. And for bringing him here with you because of me, I owe you one and I have the perfect way to repay you.-he gave you a little smirk and you knew exactly what he meant by that.-Sh, here he comes. 
Ryan ran across the park and Niall stood up, so he ran straight into Niall’s arms and they both seemed really happy. 
-You were great!-Ryan laughed.-You are a lot better than everyone else on the team, my brother’s the best! Y/N and I cheered all the time!
Niall laughed and made him sit down next to the two of you. 
-Thank you, I saw you two laughing up there!-Niall patted his head.-You want to go get some ice-cream now? 
-Yeah! And Y/N wants ice-cream too!-Ryan grabbed your hand and made you get up with him.-Let’s go! 
You didn’t actually want ice-cream, but his enthusiasm was very entertaining for you and Niall, who followed you towards the car. Ryan ran all the way to the car and Niall and you slowly walked behind him holding hands. You remembered how a few months earlier, he didn’t even want to be seen with you and now he was holding your hand and spent time with your and his brother and he was happy about it. Niall’s changed a lot.
-You’re such a good brother, I wish I had a brother like you. He has a great childhood, all thanks to you.-you rubbed his upper arm, earning a smile from him. 
-Thank you, I really do my best. The kid’s amazing and he deserves the best, so I try hard to give it to him. 
-You are the best.-you winked and he slapped your butt. 
-You are, too.-he laughed.-Imagine if we had kids one day, they’d have the greatest childhood ever, we’re both insane. 
Your stomach churned at his words and you felt sick all of a sudden after hearing him say that. Kids? You were both 19, much too young for that.
-Imagine that, yeah.-you chuckled nervously and pointed to the car.-I think Ryan needs you to unlock the car. 
-You’re right.-he nodded and ran over to the car as well, picking Ryan up and tickling him in the process and they both burst into fits of laughter, so you did too, even though there wasn’t anything to laugh about, at least not for you. 
Just then, you heard some of Niall’s teammates calling him from across the parking lot. 
-Hey, Ni!-someone shouted.
He turned around and waved at them, before turning around towards the car and unlocking the door. 
-Taking the wife and the kid out for a walk?-someone joked and they all laughed. 
The old Niall would say something about you babysitting for Ryan or that he had just run into you, but not the new Niall. He just laughed it off. 
-All I see is that I’m the only guy here with a girlfriend while the six of you have no one to spend the day with other than yourselves.-he chuckled and opened the door for you, smiling at you sweetly.-Come on, babe, get in the car. 
You did what he said and sighed. Instead of being happy about how Niall acted, you were worried and you were mad at yourself for being like that around Niall. -What’s going on?-Tyler’s voice woke you from your slumber.-I know you’re hiding something, not talking to me for two days is pure bullshit. You never do that, we’re best friends. So I was thinking, I didn’t do anything, therefore you’re not angry with me and I would’ve already known if you did something to me, so that leaves only one option – you’re hiding something from me. Don’t try to dispute, I’m not having any of that, girl.
-You know me too well, my friend.-you cleared your throat as you realized you were defeated.-I told you what’s up and I can’t talk about it over the phone or in person or anywhere. I just don’t want to talk about it.
-Be a grown up for once in your life and tell me what it is, positive or negative?-he sounded serious because the situation was serious, no matter how much you tried to treat it as irrelevant.
It wasn’t gonna go away on its own, even though that was all you wished for. Tyler knew that very well all along, and you knew it, too, as long as you were talking to him, but as soon as you were all alone, you just stopped thinking about it. Not thinking about it was good because you could pretend it wasn’t happening to you. 
-I don’t know yet.-you said quietly.
-What do you mean, you don’t know?-he huffed, and you could already imagine him rolling his eyes at you and your childish behavior.-It either is or it isn’t, there’s no third option. Girl, no mind games.
You just sighed and he knew exactly what was going on. He just knew you too well. 
-Unless you didn’t take it yet. You didn’t, right?-he cleared his throat threateningly. 
-Lord, give me strength!-he gasped loudly.-I swear, one conversation with you makes me lose more nerves than I lose while scheming and you know how much it that. Stop being a scared little white girl and go take the goddamned test and call me back ASAP. I won’t talk to you until you do it, it’s been three days and I’ve been biting my nails ever since you dragged me to the drugstore to buy it with you. My looks will not suffer because of your inability to man the fuck up. Grow some balls, girl. 
You laughed at his upset tone, but it wasn’t funny. The situation was serious and you knew you had to do exactly what he told you – man up and go take the test. 
-Okay, you’re completely right. Talk to you in twenty, be by your phone for support.-you sighed and looked at the box in your hand.-And thank you for being a friend. 
-Always for you. Now go!-he hung up with that and you walked up to your bedroom bathroom and closed the door behind you.

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