Frat Boy Niall

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-Can you believe the year’s already over?-Tyler asked before taking another sip of his morning coffee.-Where the hell did it go?

The two of you were sitting on his front porch the morning after the end of the semester party, both with a light hangover. Of course, you had two more days of college and then the real “end of the semester” party would hold place, but you both passed all of your exams already, so there was no reason to wait with the partying. 

-I know, it seems like college started just yesterday, right?-you laughed and shook your head, thinking about everything that has happened during these last two semesters. 

Everything with Niall was hectic from the start, you two could never be on the same page and now you were going strong for months, to everyone’s surprise. Niall changed completely. You didn’t want him to change, but he did. However, the change was for the better, so you had no reason to complain about it. He stopped doing weed from time to time with his buddies, parties weren’t that interesting anymore and he wanted to spend all of his free time with you. He took you to his place all the time, so much you actually became friends with his mom. 

You didn’t like her at first, but now it was obvious that she was trying so hard to keep her family together, to make her two boys happy and you knew it was real, that she wasn’t faking any of it, so you supported her. She was actually really cool once you got to know her. Niall seemed happy that the two of you were getting along, but he was even happier to see you and Ryan getting along. 

-So many things happened, but then again, nothing changed. I always have that feeling at the end of every school year. Another year flew by, I’m still a fine piece of ass.-he shrugged, and it made you laugh.-Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot, too, but damn girl, look at me! 

You were happy that you had him, and you knew that would never change. Other friends came and went, but Tyler was always there. Even now, when you weren’t that much fun because you were with Niall most of the time, he was still by your side and he never got tired of your stupid stories. They weren’t stupid or boring to you or Niall, but that’s only because you two were happy together, but the stories about the two of you going to a football game together or swimming at the lake probably made other people cringe, but Tyler put up with them every day. That’s what friendship was all about. 

-That’s true, you get hotter each year, not fair at all.-you shook your head and pretended to be upset about it. 

-True!-he giggled.-But this year was different because you finally have a boyfriend and I couldn’t be more proud of you. You always avoided getting close to people, but you two can’t get enough of each other and that’s awesome! At first I hated him, and I didn’t know why you just can’t let go of him and move the fuck on, but now I see you knew it all along. You two love each other so much it’s crazy. 

You felt a lump in your throat when he said those words. You still didn’t tell Niall you love him and neither did he, and you wanted it to stay that way. You didn’t want to admit that to anyone, but you were a bit scared of how close you two were lately. Sometimes you felt like you were suffocating and there wasn’t a way out, but as soon as Niall was next to you, it would get better. Tyler wouldn’t understand that, he was never in that situation, and you couldn’t talk to it about Niall, so you just kept quiet about that. But you knew that saying those three words would only make it worse. It felt like you were rushing into something too serious for your age, but you couldn’t stop because you cared about him too much to let him go, so you were stuck with that feeling.

-I know, he was an ass before, but there was just something about him… I don’t know what, but I’m glad there was… He’s amazing.-you felt yourself smiling just at the mention of him - the more you talked, the wider your smile got. 

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