Chapter Six: Com-link! DANGER?!

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//pic above is sideswipe! He comes in later! But I figured I'd post it now before I delete the picture I have!//

(Lilliana's POV)

It's been three years since the birth of my babies. StarFire and Rumble have grown so much. Still no sign of the Decepticons, and it kinda worries me. I think about what Primus, my grandfather, told me three years ago. Where could they be? Was the war over?

"Mom? When do we get to start our training?" StarFire asked, with Rumble right behind her. Ironhide came into the conversation before I could speak.

"Hey, Rumblebee! I need your help with my cannons, they're jammed again." Rumble rolled his eyes. He hated being called 'Rumblebee'. Everyone called him that because he looked so much like his dad besides his main color scheme.

Rumble looked at his sister before running over to Ironhide. StarFire was laughing so hard. She thought it was funny that everyone called him 'Rumblebee' as did I. We both laughed under our breathes.

"So? When mom? I'm dying to become an Angel like you. You completed your training in a week, and I want to be able to complete it in three days." She complained.

"Oh StarFire. You remind me of myself when I was younger. Always eager to get the job done. Tell you what, later today, i'll teach you and your brother how to use your powers. then i'll have Ironhide teach you guys how to fight with your weapons. Now how does that sound?" I asked

"It sounds brilliant mom!" Rumble yelled. I guess he fixed Ironhide's cannon already. I smiled at them and nodded before walking off to my bedroom. Bee and Optimus were helping ratchet with a new system called a 'groundbridge' so that we could get to a destination faster. I guess we had these back at home before the war started. All but one system was damaged or destroyed in battle.

As I entered the room, I started to hear voices in my head. I started to get dizzy. I figured it was a com-link from one of the guys, so I turned myself into my Cybertron self and com-linked in.

"Hello? Lilliana to user. Who is this?" I asked.

"So it's true, you're truly alive!" said a soft femme voice. For some reason it sounded familiar!

"who is this?" I asked curiously but nervously.

"It's me, Sweetspark. You know me as Elita-1!" I couldn't believe this! 

"Mom!" I yelled.

---------(Moment of Silence)----------

"Indeed I am, Sweetspark. I'm alive with your aunts as well, Chromia and Arcee." She said. I was speechless. I just didn't know what to say. she went off about how she was separated from Optimus during the war because of Megatron. She also explained that he had captured her but soon escaped with the help of her sisters. The only part that really hit me was the part where Arcee was Bee's old girlfriend.

"You mean to tell me that they were in love before the war started?" I asked.

"Yes, and Arcee still has strong feelings for him. She can't wait to see him. How is he if I may ask?" I got angry.

"He is fine. He's had a wonderful time with his Sparklings. Man, how his son takes more genetics from him than he does from me. Our daughter, your granddaughter, is an Angel of Cybertron just like I am. We found out that our son is also an Angel of Cybertron. He's the first mech to ever be a guardian angel of Cybertron. Well, mom, why did you honestly com-link me?" I asked sheepishly.

"Okay first of my dear one, did you say, you and Bee had Sparklings? Two I wanted to let you know that we got your fathers com-link from space, an open invitation to come to Earth."  She said.

"Yes we have two beautiful sparklings. You're grandchildren." I said.

"Well that is some news. I probably shouldn't tell Arcee. I'll have her find out herself." Elita exclaimed.

I didn't know what else to say. I heard Bumblebee singing through the radio. Silly Bee. I love his singing. I ended the com-link with Elita-1. Bee came into the room but stopped in his tracks when he saw me on the birth with my armor off. I watched as his optics glowed a bright purple color. He didn't see that coming! He removed his armor as well and jumped into the berth with me. I laughed. I fell deeply with excitement by his kisses that ran throughout my whole body. I felt his warm servos tracing my armorless metalic skin. 

Everything was wonderful until we heard screaming coming from the main hangar in the base. We quickly placed our armor on and ran to the door. Before we left, I grabbed Bee and kissed him. he obviously kissed me back.

"I'll love you Bee." I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

"I love you too." He said before pressing his helm against mine and locked our lips together again. We heard more screaming and ran to the Hangar.

"What's going on? What's the matter? STARFIRE!" I ran to my daughter who was in pain. I looked over to see Rumble who was also on the ground screaming and crying. Jazz and Ironhide ran to him and tried to hold him down. 

Out of no where, I felt a strong pain in my head. I too, fell to the ground screaming and crying in pain. Optimus came over to me, but when he touched me, all hell broke loose.

My angel form, as well as StarFire and Rumble's, activated. I saw only images of what looks like, a soon to come war. The odd thing about it, was Primus was there with me watching the whole thing in fright. 

"What's going on Primus, what's happening?" I asked. He looked in my direction, not directly at me, with horror. I looked behind myself and saw a tall figure, taller than Optimus. Taller than I was. Over to my right, I saw Sam, Mikaela, Bee, my babies, and the worst thing I feared over all, my father, dead on the hot, sandy ground. I started to cry.

Soon after that image, I came back to the real world. Will came in to what looks like tell us something. 

"We just got a message showing Decepticon radiation in Shanghai, China. Yeah, that's right, they're back!" He said looking and Optimus. 

"Fuck!" I whispered.

//OHHHHHHHH Boi! here comes the action my loves. hope you enjoyed this chapter, things are about to get tense. Elita-1, Chromia, and Arcee are still alive. more Autobots rolling in, which means more Decepticons showing up. Oh Damn! well Com-Link you guys soon!!!! BYYYYE//XOXO-kaylee

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