Chapter Seven: The Return

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(No one's POV)

Many optics widened at the news. The Decepticons were back, but for what reason. Lennox was clear about Shanghai, China.

"Alright team, let's load up." Lennox said. The whole base got ready, loading their weapons and boarding the plane. Lilliana ran up to Will, with StarFire right behind her.

"Hello uncle Will." StarFire yelled.

"Oh, hey kid," Lennox said turning around, "How are you Scarlet?"

"I'm great. How about yourself Uncle Will?" He chuckled. Her voice was so sweet like an angels. Well duh, she was an angel of Cybertron.

"I'm wonderful. Hey uh, can I talk to your mom for a second?" He asked. StarFire nodded and ran over to where Optimus and Bumblebee were standing.

(Will's POV)

Lila had the expression of fear and terror on her face. I knew what she was worried about. The Decepticons were back for some reason that no one knew about.

"Hey, everything will be okay Lila, I promise. We will get rid of the Decepticons once and for all. Trust me." I said holding her shoulders. She nodded. Bumblebee's Holoform appeared behind Lila.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay baby. We will make this right." Ben said. Lila hugged him. I felt so much remorse and grieve. I just hope we can figure this all out before someone gets majorly hurt.

(Lilliana's POV)

So much sorrow. So much grieve. So many questions. Why are the Decepticons back? What do they want now? Who are they after? How will I be able to protect my family?

"Lilliana?" Bee said nudging me, making me wake up from my train of thought.

"I'm fine." I said nearly crying. How could I tell him? The night before all this happened, I got word that my mother was alive with her sisters, Chromia and Arcee. I knew Arcee was Bee's first love, and I was fine with that. It's just strange that Bee was in love with my aunt decades ago. It worried me that if he found that she was alive, he might run to her instead of stay with his family. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I had to tell him.

"Bee, there's something you should know." I said.

"Yes Sweetspark?" He asked softly.

"My mother was said to be dead along with her sisters, Chromia and Arcee. Well, three nights ago, I got com-linked by my mother saying that they she was still alive as well as Chromia and Arcee. She said that they were here on Earth and are supposed to be meeting us in Shanghai." I couldn't hold back anymore tears. I let them fall down my face, one at a time. Bee, obviously noticed.

"Sweetspark, that's great news, but why are you crying my love?" I had to tell him that I was afraid to lose him to Arcee. I had to tell him that he's everything to me.

"I'm scared that you'll end up seeing Arcee, run to her, stay with her, and never be a part of this family again. I'm afraid that you'll break our bond and make one with Arcee. I'm scared to lose you Bee, you're everything to me and I don't want you to leave us." I hugged him as tightly as I could.

"Oh Lilliana, I'm over Arcee. You are my life now. I love you with all my Spark and wouldn't do anything to harm you, Starfire or Rumble. I love you!" He hugged me tighter than I already was.

The plane landed and we all stepped out into the dark.

"Ready Ironhide?" I said through the com-link.

"More than ever kid!" I hated it when he called me a kid.

"Ironhide, you know i'm not a kid anymore. So stop calling me that before I blow your head off!" He went silent. I laughed an evil laugh. Kinda reminded me of Megatron. Oh the shivers to that name.

Everyone approached the Decepticon as quiet as they could be. They failed. The Decepticon was known as Roadrunner (That's what I'm calling him because he fucking runs over everything with his huge ass wheel!) Mean looking thing.

"Air Force, requesting Big Buddha now!" Oh my Primus. Here comes the boom! Come on dad get his ass!

"We got a second Decepticon!" Said Skids.

"Arcee twins! Target coming your way. Lilliana, you're up!" I roared my engine.

I raced toward three motorcycles. I knew exactly who they were. 'Mom' I thought. They all transformed into their Cybertron forms and raced to the one Decepticon I was hoping to see! "Soundwave!" I yelled. He transformed and looked at me with an evil grin. I stopped in my tracks. I watched as a old rustic ice cream truck rode past me.

"Ya'll alright there Princess?" I heard a voice say.

"Well she ain't dead if that's what you're wondering Mudflap." I heard a different voice say.

"So you guys are the Terror Twins I've been hearing about. Ha. Well yes, i'm very much alive. Thanks anyways guy's! Well I got some business to take care of with that Decepticon ahead. See ya." I activated my wings and flew to catch up with my mom. 

"So I see you've joined us young Angel of Cybertron." Chromia said through a com-link.

"Would've been up here sooner if the twins didn't stop me." I smirked. They nodded and started to shoot at Soundwave. He transformed into his bot mode and crashed through a building right in front of us. I watched as the motorcycles raced after him. I flew over the building in order to catch up. 

I saw Sideswipe on the move, sliding across the road like he was skating on ice. I watched as he threw a sword and it stabbed Soundwave's front end. Sideswipe took hold of it and ran it through Soundwave's body, splitting him in half. 'Well that assholes dead now!' I thought to myself.

"Damn I'm good!" Sideswipe said. He waved at me and I waved back laughing and shaking my head. I flew off to find Optimus and Ironhide.

"Punkass Decepticon!" Ironhide said rolling his shoulder.

"Any last words?" Opi asked devilishly. I snarled.

"This is not your planet to rule! The Fallen shall rise again!" He said.

I turned into my human mode and stood in front of Epps and Will.

"That doesn't sound good." Epps whispered. I nodded in agreement. I watched as Opi pulled his cannon out.

"Not today." Down the Decepticon goes, and another one bites the dust. Dad exploded his cannon.

We all boarded the plane and flew back to base. Once we arrived, I grabbed the kids and Bee.

"Come on guys, we have a new mission!" I said.

"Wait, what mission?" Bee asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"We have to pay Sam a visit!" They smiled and we all transformed into our car modes and rode out to L.A!


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