The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Dan's P.O.V.
So... it's happening. I'm sitting here, at Starbucks, with some chick I barely know, yet still asked out on a date. If you can call this awkward thing a date.  "So..." I say, trying to break the ice between us and the uncomfortable as fuck silence that has fallen over us. I slowly start to tap my fingers on the table.  Jessica lifts her eyes away from her drink and stares back at me, obviously not knowing what to say. "Soooo..." she says back, her eyes still locked with mine as she takes a sip from her Frappuccino. "Um..." we say at the same time, then awkwardly laugh... at the same time. My god, I don't know how longer I can take of this. "Do you have a existential crisis I can help you with, 'cause that's kinda my thing," I say, out of the blue, breaking the stifling silence. Jessica snorts and takes another sip of her drink.
"Care to indulge me in what it is, or what they are?"
"Well... I can't stand your finger tapping."
"Really?" I say, raising on eyebrow slightly as I continue to tap my fingers against the table.
"Oh my gosh, yes! Please stop!"
I laugh and then stop, for her sake.  Then out of nowhere, she's actually telling me about her problems, as if she really does need my questionable advice. We drink and chat till the light out the windows start to fade into a midnight blue night.  During a lapse in the conversation, I quickly glance at my watch. Which is none existent.  Jessica sees me in mid-action and starts laughing wildly at me. "Shut up," I tell her, sort of laughing along and blushing slightly. "Shut up." She stops laughing but still looks at me with sparks of laughter in her eyes. Picking up her phone from where it lays on the table, she tells me what time it says on it.
"It's 6:20."
"Damn, that went by quick."
"I know right? We should probably get going."
"Yah, good idea."

So we stand up, push in our chairs, throw away our now empty drinks, and head out into the chilly night.  We slowly make our way through the thinning crowds of people, heading towards the bus station. Our breaths come out of our mouths in what looks like small plumes of white and silver steam. We talk all the way to the bus station, and on the bus, until before I know it, we're in front of Jessica's apartment. Which happens to be conveniently a few blocks away from the apartment I share with Phil. "Well, this is me," she says pointing to the door behind her. "Thanks for this experience Dan, it was fun."
"Yah, we definitely should do that again some time."
"We really should." Then there's that uncomfortable silence again, which I've grown to hate in the short time I've known Jessica. "Bye Dan..." Jessica says, cutting the silence, as she turns around, and walks towards the door. "Bye Jessica!" I call after her as she opens the door with her key, then enters into her apartment. The door is then closed, leaving me on the sidewalk all alone. I hurriedly walk to my apartment in the cold, inky darkness, hoping that I can reach my apartment soon. The only light guiding me on my way is the warm, amber glow of the street lamps towering over me as I fast walk beneath them, and the dim, cloud-obscured, silver moon up above. Once I reach my destination, I stop to catch my breath outside. I walk inside, and after closing and locking the door behind me... I turn around to be confronted by a very angry Phil standing right in front of me, so mad that I swear I can see steam coming from his ears. "Where were you?" he asks in a steely voice.
"Just having coffee with a friend." I reply, trying to hide the tremble in my voice.                                                                                              
"Do you realize that you have had me waiting here for you?"
"Um... No... Sorry, I guess. But... may I ask, exactly why where you waiting for me?"
"Really, that's all you can say? THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY?!!! And what do you mean, why were you waiting, hours and hours, for me?!!!"
"Woah, calm the fuck down Phil. Listen, I'm sorry if I made you wait. But I was asking a serious question..."
He glares intensely at me, then spits "I've been waiting for you, because today we had plans for dinner."
"Oh, because, let me think, today is the anniversary of the day we met?!!!"
Shit. I completely forgot about what day it is today. Fuck, I'm so, sooo screwed. I'm suddenly petrified of my best friend and secret lover's wrath.
"Dan... You know how stressed I am right now... emotionally and physically... My brains, nerves, patience, and emotions are just fried... There is so much pressure on me... and it's slowly breaking me apart... I... I just... today was supposed to be our day, our special day to just relax and be together... But then you had to go be in a video... then you left me for some "friend"... and then I waited for god knows how long... and... and..." Phil suddenly starts sobbing, which makes me even more scared than before. "I needed this Dan," he says as he furiously wipes tears from his eyes. "I needed this badly.  But you had to go an RUIN IT!!!" he screams at me, trembling with anger and sadness. Phil then turns his back to me, his shoulders shaking with each sob.

"Phil... Oh my god... I'm so, so, sooo sorry." I slowly walk forward, intending to give him a big hug. "Leave me alone Dan." I reach out again towards him, but he shrugs off my efforts of touching him. "I said leave me ALONE DAN!" he screams, as he starts storming away, still crying his eyes out. "Phil... Phil! Phil please!" I shout after him, but he ignores me.  I can hear him sobbing the entire he runs to his room. Shortly afterwards I hear his bedroom door slam shut and then the muffled sound of his painful crying that rings in my ears. Running after him, I feel stabs of agony pierce my heart. "Phil!" I call for him, when I finally reach his bedroom door. He doesn't answer. I put my back against the door's solid wood and slowly slide down, my head in my hands. "Phil..." I whisper, starting to silently cry a bit. "I'm so, so sorry." Oh my god... What have I done...
Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated this story! I promise that I'll try to keep this from happening again. Anyways, next week is my fall break, so I'm planning to write A LOT then to make up for not updating this story for so long. Also, thank you guys so much for reading my story, it means so, so much to me. And one last little thing before I go, if you like this story, please, please, spread the word about it, to all your friends and fellow Phans, or just anyone you think would like this story! It would mean a lot to me if you did. So, once again, thanks for reading, and yah. Stay awesome and unique! Well, that's all. Bye guys!

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