New Phan Fic Out Now (Yay)

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Hello all you lovely people! I just thought that I'd let you guys know, if you don't already know, that I've published a new Phan fic! It's called When The Light Fell In Love With The Dark, and I would love it so very much if you guys would go and check it out. Hopefully you will enjoy reading it, and hopefully it wouldn't suck because it's my first attempt at writing an AU story.

Thanks for everything guys! I know I've said this a ton but you guys are amazing and wonderful people who I'm so glad to be supported by. Anyways, see ya later!

(I got the title idea from my friend thisgirlsings101 - she wanted me to give her credit for it so here Teal, you happy now? I hope so.)

-arcticfox167 💙

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