Falling Apart Without You

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Dan's P.O.V.
Head pounding.

Heart breaking.

Tears falling.

That's all I feel.

I open my tired eyes to find a blurry form staring down at me. A pale face illuminated by a curtain of light brown hair greets me when my focus fully returns.


Her once bright eyes are dull, with heavy rings under them, as if she hasn't slept well in days.

Her soft hand in mine, squeezing it as if that will help with something, something that is slowly eating her away.

Her lips, soft and smooth on mine, warm and delicious, but so wrong.

She pulls away, eyes glistening with tears as she looks away from me. I can hear that it's hard for her to breath.

"Jessica?" I manage to croak out. "Are you ok?"

She turns her head and looks at me again, and when I see the pain etched out on her beautiful face, I feel new feelings.



World shattering and heart crushing pain.


The days blur by into months, passing by too quickly for me to count them. Each day I get closer to Jessica, as I fall apart a little more inside. I've learned to fake the feelings, to pretend that I can feel emotions like normal people, when deep inside I feel nothing. Just hollowed emptiness and lingering pain. There's a Phil shaped hole in my heart where only he belongs, and I'm trying to force Jessica into there, hoping it will help dull the pain.

It doesn't work.

Phil's P.O.V.
I busy myself with work, YouTube, and things to do, trying to distract me from thinking about Dan.

It doesn't work.

Every minute I'm not doing something, thoughts of him creep into my mind, lingering there for way to long, reopening the freshly scarred wounds in my heart.

I need to see him. I need to be with him. I can't deny it anymore.

I want him.

I need him.

More then I can handle.

Hey everyone! Happy new year! I can't believe it's already 2017. Like, how? Just... how? Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful time off from school if you're back already, and to all of me who like me, are trying to cling on to the last days of break, let's enjoy it while it lasts!

Sorry that this chapter was short. I was too lazy to write it longer...

Don't judge me.

Please vote... please... for me...

Love you guys! See you later!

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