To Call, or Not to Call, That is the Question

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Jessica's P.O.V.
My hand lays ideal by my phone, slightly trembling. It's been a week since I've seen or heard from Dan; a long, boring week filled with nervousness and anxiety. Why was it filled with nervousness and anxiety, you ask? Because... I've wanted to call Dan, text him, just speak to him, but I've been too scared to. I want to spend time with him, but I just don't know how to ask him on... on... a date-like thing... Every time I try to leave a message on his phone, I can't get myself to say anything. So he probably has an inbox full of silent voice messages, thanks to me and my lack of courage...

Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my shaking body and pick up my phone. I dial his number, my heart beating louder and louder as I tap each number. Too late to back up now. I press call. Holding the phone to my ear, I take more deep breaths, that make me shiver with goosebumps each time I inhale and exhale. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. It takes me straight to voice mail. First the phone rings, then Dan's recorded message plays, and finally there's that annoying beep, then silence. Stifling, loud, silence... This is when I should be leaving my message, but I can't bring myself to. I can't. I... I can't. I'm not ready. I'm... not ready. I hang up, feeling defeated and lost. Clutching my phone tight in my hands, I suddenly unleash the wave of tears I've been holding back this entire time. Sobbing, I then chuck my phone across the room where it lands unharmed on the pillow on my bed. Ugh. I can't stop this fucking crying! I'm riding a roller coaster of emotions, each one more intense then the last one. All thanks to my fucking, awful period, that messes with my hormones, and makes me go absolutely crazy! Suddenly an intense cramp hits me, and I double over in pain, groaning loudly. It hurts so much!!! I start to sob even more, then collapse onto the floor, screaming with utter, horrible pain.

It all ends an hour later, leaving me shell shocked and shaking. I'm curled up in a ball, on my beanbag, cradling a cup of steaming tea in my ice cold hands. All those crazy emotions have sapped me of my energy, leaving my tired, in pain, and annoyed with the world. But mostly myself. Setting my tea on the floor, I curl up even further and succumb to the darkness falling over me. My last conscious thought is: I'll call Dan tomorrow. Yes. I promise, I'll call him tomorrow. Then the world goes black as I finally fall asleep.
Hey guys! Sorry that it's been so long since I updated this story. I've been sick recently, so I didn't get a chance to earlier. Also sorry that this part is extremely shorter then my other parts. I wanted to write something, but not something as long as usual. Anyways, as always, thanks for reading my story! Also, if you know someone who would like this story, please recommend and/or share it with them! I would love to gain more amazing readers like you guys! Alrighty, bye now!

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