It's A Tag... Fun fun!

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Hey yah peeps! So, I was tagged to do this by the wonderful NoLifeJustInternet 
I meant to have done this earlier but I never got around to it. Anyways, sit back and enjoy!

Q1: Why are you doing this challenge?

Ans: I was tagged to do this and I also thought "Why not?"

Q2: A positive word to describe you

Ans: Kind (or so I'm told)

Q3: A note to past you

Ans: Let go of your worries and love yourself no matter what! Don't let other people's words get to you, you are perfect just the way you are. Even though you're so damn awkward and annoying.

Q4: A note to future you

Ans: Don't fuck everything up. Please. For my sake.

Q5: An object that is yours and that you love

Ans: My iPad mini, my computer, and my books. And my soul. Oh wait, I don't have one...

Q6: A quote about beauty

Ans: Love this quote so much
"The only ugly girls are the ones who don't realize that beauty comes from within." -Dan Howell

Q7: A fear you have overcome

Ans: The fear of the dark and deep water (don't judge me)

Q8: Something you like about yourself

Ans: My generosity to people, I guess

Q9: Something that makes you beautiful

Ans: Idk... my eyes?...

Q10: Something you love to wear

Ans: Leggings... I absolutely LOVE to wear leggings, with literally everything

Q11: What about you is unique?

Ans: Everything except the fact that I'm a fan girl, I'm incredibly socially awkward, and I procrastinate way too much

Q12: What makes you happy?

Ans: YouTube, music, my friends, food, books, writing, and compliments

Q13: What makes you laugh?

Ans: Again, YouTubers, references, people failing at things, good jokes, and pretty much anything that can be described as funny

You're welcome

HelloFellowPhamily malakb_2575 FinlayH thisgirlsings101 Irreplaceable_Phan sparklephil enamorate_14 _Internal_Death_ Laesha_1D_5SOS_phan LillyTheDeathNoteian

Anybody who feels like doing this challenge!

Btw thank you guys so fucking much for over 100 reads on this story!!! It means so much to me, and I love you guys so much!!! You guys are amazing! Bye for now!

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