I'll Wait Up For You All Night Long If I Have To

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If you have not read the chapter before this then STOP... and go read it. Please. Or else this chapter kinda wouldn't make sense. Thanks!

Phil's P.O.V.
He's not here yet. It's been hours since he's left, so many hours that I've lost track of them. And yet he's still not here yet. I glance at the clock. 11:45. It's 11:45 and Dan is still gone. Sighing, I get up from the couch and go into the kitchen. After awhile, I have a nice mug of hot tea in my hands as I head back to the couch. When I'm resettled, I check the clock again. It reads 11:50.

Curled up in a ball, one of my hands pulls my blanket tighter around me, while the other still holds my tea. I look at the clock a third time. Midnight. It's now midnight and Dan is nowhere to be seen. Before I know it, salty tears gently stream down my face, leaving silvery streaks behind. I put down my tea to the side of me, then bury my face into the soft blanket. The tears come quicker now, coating my face and making the blanket damp. Sobs shake my shoulders as I quietly release them. Why does Dan have to do this to me? What have I done to deserve him abandoning me over and over again? My mind tells me to start letting go of him, but my heart doesn't listen. My heart still holds on tight to our love, even though it's slowly ripping me apart.

My eyes don't want to stay open. They feel like cement blocks that just want to close and stay closed, but I wouldn't let them. I promised myself that I would stay up until Dan comes back. I promised myself an impossible promise.
The time passes slowly as the hours continue to tick by. The fourth time I check the clock, it tells me it's 2:30. Bloody 2:30 a.m.... and Dan's not back yet. My heart slowly rips a little more, becoming more and more broken as time passes onwards. My body feels empty, hollow, void of emotions and feelings. I've cried all the water out of it; now it's just a shell. A shell with a working brain and breaking heart, pulsing with unwanted life and energy. Living an unwanted life, because soon Dan may not be in it if our relationship continues like this, strained and forced. A lie.

4:05 a.m. is when I finally succumb to sleep. My body finally gives up and shuts down, not wanting to be awake in this horrible reality of mine for any longer. The world starts to fade as I slowly fall asleep, thoughts of Dan dancing through my head.

Dan's P.O.V.
He's sound asleep when I finally return. Sound asleep on the couch, curled up in a ball with a thick blanket covering him, a forgotten mug of tea to his left. A soft snore escapes his frowning, parted lips and he looks so peaceful that I don't want to move an inch, in case I accidentally wake him up. I quietly walk over to the couch then sit next to him, snuggling up to his side. His body recoils at my touch as he involuntarily moves away from me. What did I do to make him treat me like that? I then try to place a kiss on his head, but he moves away from me again, tucking himself further into a ball under the blanket. I sigh and slowly get up from the couch, then head over to the fireplace. Gently bending down, I turn it on, not wanting Phil to get cold. Next, I go around the room making sure the windows are sealed completely shut so that no cold air can come in. After I'm done, I finally start to exit the room as quickly and as quietly as I can. Phil makes no sounds as I softly close the lounge door behind me. I wait a few seconds, then turn around and press my back flush against it, sliding down to the floor, my head in my hands.  The tears start falling, and they wouldn't stop till an hour later.

What's happening to us?

Hey everybody! Long time no see. Sorry that I didn't update this every single day like I said I would; I had lots and lots of homework to do this week. But you can be sure that you will get more updates soon, because I'm on winter break starting tomorrow. Anyways, it seems as if barely anybody read the last chapter of this story, so please, please go read that, as I've said above. Thank you! I know you guys are probably avoiding this story ever since it got sad (I hope that's the reason), but I promise that it will get happier soon as I continue to work on it. Alrighty, love you guys and see you most likely soon! Bye!

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