Tagged Again It Seems

27 1 4

Heyo everybody! I was tagged (again) by a pretty great person (aka NoLifeJustInternet). And, I'm accepting her challenge, right here, right now. So, here goes nothing!

1) I'm way too socially awkward and antisocial for my own good.

2) I like to write, mostly stories and stuff like that.

3) Phan makes me extremely happy, especially when they do something cute or just gay in general. (I'm trash, I know)

4) I'm an introvert. I just don't like being around people that much, ok? Judge me if you want to.

5) My eye sight is horrible, hence why I have a pretty intense prescription in my glasses. (I'm literally gonna end up being blind when I'm twenty. Just watch as that actually happens lmao, knock on wood so it doesn't.)

I tag:












I realize that that's only ten people, but ten is around fifteen. Right? Right?


Cut me some slack guys- many of the people I wanted to tag have been already tagged, and being tagged twice is just weird, thank you but no. Just no.


Don't have to do this if you don't want to.


Love all of you guys- you're all amazing, unique, and wonderful beautiful butterflies.


Idk as well.


Bye! 🖤

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