Everything Will Be Ok

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Sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar errors in this chapter, and every other chapter as well.

Dan's P.O.V.
I shift in my spot, trying to get more comfortable. Phil just watches me, amused and curious at my struggle. I mock glare at him, then completely stand up. He moves till he takes up all of the couch with his long body. "Phil!"

"Yes Dan?" I just sigh and shake my head, exasperated by his obliviousness and adorableness. He smiles up at me, eyes glistening from the glare of the tv. When I turn it off, he doesn't say anything, just continues to look at me. It's making me kind of nervous, and I don't know why. Something inside of me pulls me to him, making me lie right on top of him, my head in his lap. He grunts a little as my weight falls on him, but soon he's silent once more.


"Yeah?" he replies, still playing with the curly locks of hair.

"Is it just me, or, has this all felt so rushed to you? Like one second, I'm with you, and it's all ok, and then next thing I know I'm with Jessica, and now I'm here again, right where I started."

"Babe, I understand. It was hard to see you walk away from me, but I knew I couldn't do the same to you, because I still loved you. I still love you." He pauses, thinking of what else he should say. "I'm just glad that your mine, right now, right here." Those words send a wave of blush to wash onto my face.

"Me too. Me too. Phil, you're perfect. Absolutely perfect. Please never change, for anyone, or anything, ok?" I'm about to say something else when I suddenly feel his body shaking. "Phil?" Sitting up, I turn till I'm facing him, my legs on either side of him. I take his pale head in my hands, and tilt it upwards till we're eye to eye. "Phil?" I drop my hands as his head swings back downwards.

"I'm so-sorry," he says, in between sobs. "It's just." He takes in a deep breath before continuing. "I always felt that I had to change for people, to make them like me more. I wasn't ok, or accepting really, of who I was. I am more accepting now, but, those feelings are still sometimes there. So to hear that from you bear, that just, just, makes everything so much better." He looks up at me, eyes overflowing with tears. I find myself drowning in their piercing blue depths, as a calm feeling passes over my body. But I still feel sad for the little broken boy that became who Phil is today. Positive, sweet, caring, kind, loving, friendly, handsome, and perfect. Perfect with all his many flaws. Just like a diamond in the rough. But yet still, deep down inside, I see the little broken boy still inside his very being.

I can't think of anything to say, so instead, I do what I know best, that always works. Leaning forward, I place a kiss on his lips, then pull back. Shocked, he shakes his head, but then he suddenly kisses me back. I have to respond in some way, so I react, pressing my lips deeper into his. He lets out a small groan, but suddenly we both pull back at the same time, resting our foreheads together, sharing the same air passing through our lungs. It's like we can't make ourselves make kisses heated anymore, not until we mend our bond completely.

"That's what I'm here for, Philly. I'm here to make you feel better. Because that's my job, as your boyfriend."


"Unless you don't want to be."

"No, no! I... I just never thought you would ever say that. Especially to me."

"Well look at that. Miracles do happen some times it seems." Laughing, he sits up straight. It looks like a weight as been lifted from his shoulders.

"Dan, don't be so full of yourself."

"Yes dad."

"Please don't call me that."

"Ok babe."

"Now that's much better."

"Phil, I hope you know that I'm here for you. No matter what you need or when, I'll be there to give it to you. I promise that everything will be ok, no matter what."

"Thank you Dan. You don't know how happy that makes me feel."

"Anything for you, my boyfriend. Anything for you."

Hey there! So I've got some things I'd like to say. Firstly, thank you guys for reading my story, it means so much to me that we've almost reached 500 reads! But besides that, I know that this story, and it's plot, have been, very rushed. I just didn't know how I wanted to write this, or how long I wanted to make this, when I started this story. Anyways, I've been thinking that one day, I don't know when, that I'd go back a revise this story majorly. I'll make it longer, maybe add some chapters here and there, those kind of things. Because, to be honest, this story does need so major changes here and there... it's... definitely not that good. Well, I personally think that it's really not that good at all... Like I said, I don't know when I would make these changes, but probably some time soon.

Bye for now!

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