Year 5

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„Well, fifth grade was dangerous. Bloody dangerous."

*Flashback* (Draco's POV)

In these summer holidays my father has a lot of Death Eater meetings. He's getting more and more aggressive. I can feel it. In my face. Well, he thinks beating his one and only son helps. I hate him so much for that. The Death Eaters always meet at our house. Now I'm more and more under their control. That sucks so badly.

When we arrive at Hogsmeade train station I see Potter. "Hey, freak. Sooner or later you'll be sitting in Azkaban." I also say some few other bad words but I won't repeat them now.

Again in the Great Hall we get to know freaky Umbridge. I heard of her. She's working for the minister of magic.

Well, since she's here she's a frickin dictator. All those rules ... man, fuck it. Okay, the idea of the inquisitorial squad is so damn cool and of course I'm a member of that. It also rocks that we caught those nasty Dumbledore's Army. I saw Granger's face and man, you could really say she wished me death. I somehow felt sorry for her but hell, being the boss rocks. And I can do whatever I wish to do ... with her. Oh, she could be my sex slave, muhaha, if I didn't have Pansy, my girlfriend. We use to sneak out of the dormitory to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to ... well, have some fun. However actually I'm getting bored in that relationship. An about-face would be awesome. Nevertheless my sex times have changed anyways. Because Umbridge intends to make our lives here in Hogwarts more awful, she established a rule that says "Boys and girls must not come closer to each other than 20 cm." Fuck you, Umbridge. I lost all my respect for you.

Of course me and Pansy don't care about that shit. We still sneak out to ... have some fun. Today as I'm on the way to my girlfriend again, I meet Granger in the hallway.

"Hey, Granger, what'cha up to? Practising how to fight the Dark Lord?" I say with a smirk on my face.

"It's none of your business, Malfoy. Go back to your filthy Death Eater friends." She seems pretty angry. But why? I mean I'm not doing anything annoying at the moment.

"Hey, what's the prob? I didn't do anything annoying and still you seem to be angry at me. Sorry, but I can't stand that."

"Wow, Malfoy. You can't stand if someone's angry with no reason? Interesting. Well, I actually have a reason: You. You just split Dumbledore Army" she replies and looks into his eyes.

"Sorry" I'm responsive to her statement. Thereupon she leaves with no further word.

Why do I feel so bad? Because of what she said? Fuck it. This can't be happening ...

*End of Flashback*

"Actually, kids, that was the whole fifth grade. I haven't seen your mother the rest of the year. I mean I have but we didn't exchange any more words in that school year. And well, yeah I was sad about that fact."

"Wow, dad, mum must've really hated you back then ..." Scorpius replies and laughs. It's the same laughter his father always used back in his school time when he was rude to Harry and his friends. This mean little laughter his future wife fell for before he even noticed it.

How I met your mother - Malfoy style :)Where stories live. Discover now