Year 7.2

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"Kids, the 7th year was going on ..."


After some days after we found Potter, I got back to Hogwarts with Crabbe and Goyle. We want to please the Dark Lord because he's a bit outraged these days. I don't really know why I'm doing this but maybe it helps and he stops being so annoyed. We hide in the Room of Requirement and want to catch Potter. When the boy who should have died arrives in here, we jump out and Crabbe starts a fiendfyre which the fathead can't control apparently. The whole furniture in here is burning down. It's getting hotter and hotter and this magical fire transforms into a giant fire creature which burns everything and everyone around. My buds and I retrieve ourselves from the fire on top of a cupboard which hasn't burnt down yet. While we do so Crabbe falls down and is being killed of the fiendfyre. Fuck it. We've grown up together and this is how he's dying? Oh, crap, the fire is coming closer and closer. Suddenly Potter sitting on broomstick grabs me from above while Hermione and Redhead save Goyle and bring us outside.

I never thought Potter would ever save my life nevertheless he did. I owe my life to him. Someday maybe I'll pay it back to him and do him a favour ... probably.

But now there are more important things: the big battle. Goyle and I decide to fight on the good side now. However we have to pretend as if we are still Death Eaters. Otherwise we would get killed ...

We fight against almost everybody (good as well as bad wizards) and the curses are being shot around. It feels like war ... ok, it IS war. I have to duck my head once or twice but however I'm never getting actually hurt. Why is this? Oh, I guess someone's helping me ... maybe Potter or his friends under his invisibility cloak again. Thanks, Potter, I have to say. Geez, why is this guy helping me now? Side by side we all battle on the school grounds and suddenly it is announced that Potter should be sent to the Dark Lord otherwise all the others will be killed.

Fuck it, he saved my life! I can't let them kill him ... I OWE MY LIFE TO HIM, so I have to return that to him. But before I can do anything another announcement is made: "Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort." Damn it ...

However it wouldn't be Potter if he wouldn't return ... rumours say that my mum actually told the Dark Lord that Potter is dead. She just did that to save us all. Oh, mum .. :) No matter, the battles go on and it's Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort. The tension is bloody high. We are all waiting for what's happening now. Potter explains a lot to the Dark Lord and suddenly he drops dead. At first everyone doesn't know what to do but what happens next is following:

The Death Eaters who haven't been killed until now try to fight again, some of them flee, some of them are being killed.

Potter and his allies fight back, and after the Death Eaters fled it feels like peace for the very first time for ages. I sit at a table with my parents and we talk. We just talk about what was happening and what will be happening in our future.

Pansy fled. She's such a coward. How happy I am that I broke up with her last year. I wouldn't have wanted her as my wife. Stupid bitch.

Potter ... Well, he saved my life, let's call him Harry. Ok, Harry and his girlfriend ... I guess, her name's Ginny reunite.

Hermione and Weas- ... erm ... Ron, they are very close. She's lying in his arms. Dammit. But anyways it's time for peace now. That's good.

Well, that's how Voldemort reign ends ...

*End of Flashback*

"Wow, this is so cool, dad ... But you and mum didn't come together until then ... why?" Scorpius states.

"Well, we haven't been a lot to school in that year, so we had to return to Hogwarts for another year to finish our education there."

"And what happened then?" Rose wants to know.

"I'll be telling you soon, kids, be patient please" Draco replies and his kids lean back again.

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