Year 6

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"Kids, my sixth year was more than hard for me. It was a real tough time. And here's the story why ..."

*Flashback* (Draco's POV)

My father's lawsuit was yesterday. He's in Azkaban at the moment. My mum and I have to see how we make a living now. Somehow I'm happy that my father is gone. It was so horrible with him, especially the last few days. Last week he beat me up like hell. I was unconscious for a few seconds. My whole face was bleeding and I have bruises all over my face, my shoulders and my hands currently. Nevertheless I'm becoming a Death Eater tomorrow. My mum is frickin worried about me. But my father wanted me to do this and so the Dark Lord insists on making a Death Eater out of me.

Today was the day. I became a Death Eater. It was a little ceremony at Borgin and Burkes.

On the train to Hogwarts I'm sitting at a table with Pansy and Blaise. "Wow, I would so hate it if I had to stay at frickin Hogwarts for another 2 years" I state and they both look at me shocked. "What do you mean, Draco?" Pansy wants to know and I reply "Well, next year I'll be doing cooler stuff than transfiguration classes." They gaze at me with widen eyes. Then I recognise someone's above me on the luggage storage. While the others then leave the train I paralyse Potter. "Didn't your mum teach you that you must not overhear other's private talks? Oh, right she died before you could wipe off your spit. (-I kick him in the face-) That's for my father, Potter." Afterwards I leave the train as well.

As Dumbledore talks about something I don't care about I recognise that I'm not interested at all in sitting around here. It's so fuckin boring.

The days in Hogwarts I spend alone trying to repair the Vanishing Cabinet. And trying to kill Dumbledore. Well, after all my tries it still doesn't work. Both of it. Mostly I'm sitting around on the stony window sill. I'm just thinking.

I saw Potter glaring at me at the Three Broomsticks. But all I wanted was to see what Granger is doing. She desperately wanted to attract Weasley's attention. Well, that actually didn't work pretty well. He's with that Lavender-girl all the time. I guess, he's her boyfriend now. Okay, I don't really care but Granger seems so lost these days. Just like I am. I watch her everyday like I used to in first grade. Man, I'm really lonely at the moment. I also broke up with Pansy. She was cool. However she was boring me, she is not Granger. Snape wanted to help me with my task nevertheless I told him I could handle it by myself.

It is the first day for a while when I enter the Great Hall again. At the end of it I can see Potter talking to Katie Bell. Oh, fuck. I'm running to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. This was the room where I had so much sex with Pansy and now it's the room where I use to go whenever I'm feeling down. Which is pretty often these days. I take off my pullover and my tie. Hectically I wash my face with cold water and then I cry. Fuck, it all comes to my mind again. My mother who is worried about me so much. But I must not disappoint her otherwise she will be killed as well as I will. My father's hatred still preys on my mind. Though he was always so mean I can't stand the fact that he's in Azkaban now. He still is my father. FUCK! What should I do? It's my fault if my family is killed and this might happen because I have no idea how to kill Dumbledore. Plus I don't know if I would even be able to kill someone. Isn't that a bad prospect of my future life? Being a Death Eater, doing everything the Dark Lord orders, killing tons of people, feeling bad every time I kill somebody, maybe landing in Azkaban and then dying a painful death? Why the fuck do I have to do all that stuff? Why was I born in such a wrecked family? Why?

Oh, shit, there's Potter. I take out my wand and we fight a little, running around in that bathroom. I still cry a bit but I guess he doesn't recognise. I don't wanna be known as a weak chicken.

"Sectumsempra" he shouts, pointing his wand at me. Suddenly there's so much pain and I just see how blood is flowing out of my face, my throat and my chest. I'm lying on the floor, half-dying, half alive. My clothes get wetter and redder because of the water I'm lying in and all the blood. The look on Potter's face is quite shocked. Didn't he expect that this happens?

A few minutes after that attack Snape is arriving but then I can't remember anything else because I lost consciousness due to the huge loss of blood. And as I awake I'm at the nurse's station.

I had to stay there for some weeks and today's the day. Today's the day of the Death Eater's arrival. I get up from my bed at the nurse's station and walk straight to the Room of Requirement. There I open the Vanishing Cabinet and Aunt Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback enter the Hogwarts building. "Hello, Draco. Great job" my aunt says and pets my head. After that we head for the Astronomy tower. First I'm alone up there and have a talk with Dumbledore while I disarray him. "I will make it easy for you, Draco. But first tell me how your Death Eater friends could arrive here in Hogwarts?"

"Through the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement ..." I reply, fidgeting with my wand perilously.

"Clever, Draco. Well, you know there has been a boy at your age some years ago and he was delinquent. You aren't a murderer. Please don't do it." "I have to kill you, elsewise he is killing me", I respond scared. I let down my wand slowly. At that moment the others arrive on top of the Astronomy tower.

"Draco, do it. C'mon" my aunt whispers next to my ear. "He's a coward. Can I do it my way?" Fenrir asks. "No, the boy has to do it!" Bellatrix yells. My entire body shakes full of fear and nervousness. Suddenly Snape appears behind me and states "Draco, step aside. I will do it." I do so and he kills the headmaster. Dumbledore's body is falling down and we run away. I have to cry again as I run full of fear. Potter is following and cursing us. Nevertheless he doesn't hit us. As we are at Hagrid's hut Snape hustle me and tells me "Go on". Then he and Potter fight for a short time. In the end we flee into the Forbidden Forest and hell yes, I hate this life yet.

And all I can think of is Granger. I hope she's well. Ok, now that I'm shortly before dying (I guess ...) I can admit it: yes, I like her. However it's impossible for us to be together. Moreover she's in love with Weasley. She'll never be mine ...

*End of Flashback*

"Fuck it, dad, you were a Death Eater?" Scorpius is shocked about that fact.

"Don't say 'fuck it' ... and yes, I was. And I'm not proud of it."

"You use 'fuck it' all the time, dad" Rose helps her brother.

"So what? I'm an adult, I can use whatever words I would like to use." He looks at his kids strictly. Who does he want to kid? He's not a strict father. Not like his father used to be.

"Can I see the mark?" Scorpius asks curiously.

"Well, the remains of it. Sure." He shows the faded Death Eater mark to his kids. They are excited.

"Wow, dad. That's tough ..." Rose says almost speechlessly.

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