I'm in Love With my Best Friend

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He was my best friend. I do actually mean was. When we were in Kindergarten, his mom babysat me, so we became inseparable. People thought we were twins because we were so close. It would have been weird if he was my brother though, because I had a HUGE crush on him. We were best friends until about grade five, but you know how that goes. Grade five comes, and you want to hang out with more girls. So we drifted apart, slowly but surely. I think that I had made my mind block him out actually. I sort of forgot he was at school even though I saw him every day.

Then it was the first day of grade eight. How had the time gone so fast? I have absolutely no idea, but I saw him. I saw him and my dam broke. My dam that I had been using for years to block him out of my head. The dam I had been using to convince my friends, to convince other people, to convince myself that I didn't have feelings for him. For Nick, my absolute favourite guy friend. But the damn dam broke. It broke and I just wanted to go over there and tackle him with a hug, and possibly kisses.

I should probably introduce myself. I'm Annabeth, but people call me Anna. I have blonde hair that goes down to the middle of my back, and blue eyes. I like to think that I'm nice to everyone, and I try to be - but some people are so freaking annoying! I absolutely hate when people get so much shit for just being themselves, I try to stand up for them too. My best friends (now) are Lizzie, Nicole, and Piper. Lizzie is definitely my closest friend out of all of them. She can read me like an open book, even though she actually hates reading books.

Nick. Nick is probably the guy that I've had a crush on the longest. I guess I always liked him I just tried to convince myself differently. Nick has this personality where he can see the best in every one. He's almost always smiling, and happy. He is always happy. But when he's not, it breaks my heart. When he cries, his bright blue eyes turn kinda red, and his face just looks like it's in so much pain. Nick has brown hair that doesn't flip out at the sides, and he doesn't gel it up. It's just kinda there. Nick's glasses just look absolutely perfect on his face. They're kinda like the hipster glasses, but skinnier. He's not exactly what every girl would find attractive, but to me he is the best looking guy on the planet.

When I saw Nick on that first day, I knew that I had liked him all these years. I knew that I had just been pushing him out. That day flew by, and by the end of it, I decided to tell Nick on the next day that I liked him.

The next day came and I was all ready to tell nick that I liked him. When I saw him with the popular group the next day, I knew I had to talk to him alone. But then I saw Bethany was with him. Bethany was standing beside him and his arm was around her waist. I saw that and I wanted to cry. Then, all of the sudden Bethany started pulling Nick towards her. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't, I knew what was happening, I couldn't see that. I didn't want to see that. Slowly their mouths met up and they started making out. My heart shattered into a million, no a billion pieces. I was holding back my tears. I knew if I could make it past them, I'd be okay.

When Lizzie, Piper, Nicole, and I finally got past them, I was on the verge of a break down. But I couldn't break down because well, no one knew that I liked Nick. Not even Lizzie, my closest best friend.

When it was finally lunch, I was dreading it. Nick and Bethany would be there. I don't think I would be able to stand seeing them kiss again. I finally found my friends at a table and went to sit down with them.

"Soooo?" Lizzie asked.

"What!" I snapped.

"Did you see Nick and Bethany making out this morning?"

"Yes" I mumbled looking down at my food.

"Ok, Anna? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing" I whispered, tears threatening to fall. As I stood up, I fainted.

Only a few seconds had passed, but Lizzie was in my face asking what happened, over and over again. Slowly I became aware of strong arms holding me. Who is holding me? I asked myself. Then I heard a deepish voice say "I think she's fine Lizzie."

The voice was Nick's. I stood up as soon as I realized it was him. I walked out of the lunch room as fast as possible. I was just out the door when I heard Bethany's voice "See I told you she just wanted attention Nick! You shouldn't have caught her," she screeched.

"Anna's never been like that. Doing things for attention." Nick said quietly, but I still heard.

"Whatever," Bethany said.

I walked out of the lunchroom with Lizzie, Nicole, and Piper trailing after me. Once we were far away from the lunchroom Lizzie stopped me. "Okay, what the hell was that?" She asked.

"Ummm..." I said staring down at my feet "I kind of have a huge secret crush on Nick," I said staring at the floor blushing.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell us?" Piper exclaimed.

"Because I was embarrassed? Because you guys always tell me that he's not attractive and I didn't want you to judge me?" I mumbled.

"We will always stick with you no matter what your decisions are!" Nicole said.

"Thanks guys" I said, smiling at the ground. I guess now three people other than me know my secret. Let's hope it stays that way.



This is my first story, so if I get one read and one positive comment, I'll update with a new part. I'm kind of really busy, but I'll try to update at least once a week! Thanks for reading! 😁

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