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Nick and I dated for a good 2 years of high school, but we found that we just weren't feeling the spark like we used to. We broke up near the end of Grade 11. We decided together to break up, that way there was no broken hearts, minimal crying, and a lot of money saved from pity ice cream. We are both still friends and our friendship continues to be strong to this day, in fact he'll be coming to my wedding in a few weeks. I'm 24 now and I've found the man I love.

His name is Sam and we've been dating since we were 20. We met in University. Sam is so sweet and understanding of all my problems.

I bet you're probably wondering what happened to Cody? Well he's also coming to the wedding. We became good friends again after Nick and him got over the whole jealousy/protection problem. Cody is actually engaged as well but they haven't planned their wedding yet. She's a really nice woman and I couldn't be happier for him.

If you hadn't guessed Piper and Chad broke up before Grade 9 was even finished. They stayed friends though and now they are both dating some really wonderful people.

Lizzie is still my best friend and hopefully always will be. She is going to be my Maid of Honour. She is literally my best friend and I couldn't be more happy that she is still by my side no matter what. She also has a boyfriend who is the nicest man I know (besides Sam). He is so great for her and I couldn't be happier that they met each other.

And finally, what are Nick and Nicole up to? Well turns out that they are now dating. They are really good for each other and I'm really happy for them. It's kind of funny how things ended up like that.

For my wedding, Lizzie, Piper, And Nicole, and Nick will all be a part of my bridal party.

And for that, I couldn't be happier.


So I apologize if you don't like this ending, and also for not updating very often, and also for the short ending but this was the last chapter so... TADAA! Anyway I hope you enjoyed my book! I might make another one so follow me for those! It will not be a sequel to this one. if you have any questions about the ending or the characters or whatever just comment and stuff! Ok goodbye my lovelies!

Have a nice day and smile!

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