The Sad Part Is...

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"God dammit Cody!" I muttered under my breath. I mean, Nick was about to tell me his secret!

"I was just leaning in to hear what he was saying because he was talking so quietly!" I said to Cody, "It's not like I was about to kiss him!"

"Well it sure looked like it!" Cody huffed out. Cody looks kind of funny when he's mad. He's really short so he kind of just looks like an angry kid. Don't tell him I said that! I was trying hard not to laugh.

"No, it's true man, we were just talking! I was about to tell her something private so I was talking quietly. I promise we weren't about to kiss," Nick said.

"Sure you weren't," Cody said sarcastically while glaring at us.

"Why don't you trust me?" I said.

"What?" Cody asked.

"I said, why don't you trust me? Obviously if you trusted me you would believe me." I replied, the hurt was obvious in my voice.

"Anna, I trust you, I just don't trust him," Cody said.

"You know I would beat him up if he tried to do anything right?" I said, looking Cody in the eyes. I still don't understand why he is always so jealous. I like him and he knows it.

"I know Anna," Cody said looking down at the floor.

"Then don't get so angry when you see us together! It's like you don't want me to be friends with other guys." I sighed "I was friends with Nick before I even knew you and I'm not sacrificing one of my best friends,"

"Yeah it's not like you control her," Nick interjected. Great timing Nick, great timing. Cody looked angry that Nick would think that he was controlling me. I gave Nick a look like, shut up before I kill you. He's quite accustomed to that look since he got it a lot in our younger years.

"I don't control her," Cody yells at Nick.

"Ok, sure." Nick says with doubt in his voice.

"I don't!" Cody yells.

Oh great, I thought. This is turning into what looks like a fight between two pre-schoolers who thinks that one of them is hogging the toys. Wait, did I just compare myself to a toy? This is not good.

"Ok look, neither of you control me but that doesn't mean that both of you haven't tried. So both of you can just shut up before you start fighting over something as silly as me." I said, only just realizing how true my last words. There's no point in fighting over me. I'm not anything special. I didn't know why these two cared so much. Or why they kept fighting over stupid things like who I talk to.

"Anna, you are not something silly." Cody and Nick say at the same time then they glared at each other.

"Look, I'm not what's important here. What's important is that you two don't start to hate each other just because of me. And if you don't start to trust me Cody, then I don't think it would be... Healthy for us to continue this relationship. Look, I like you a lot. I think it's cute that you get jealous. But I don't like how jealous you can get. I've been friends with Nick since before kindergarten so I'm not going to stop talking to him because you don't like it. I really want our relationship to work, but you're just making it too- hard for me to continue. You don't trust me enough to let me talk to other guys who don't have girlfriends. I'm sorry but I just don't think this will work. We are no longer girlfriend/boyfriend. We are simply just friends. I hope this wont make things awkward between us. Don't blame Nick for this, because it's your fault. Now, lets all go and eat some lunch." I finished.



I'm so so sorry that I took so long to update and that this chapter is so short. Like seriously I'm really sorry.

Anyways, what do you think? I don't know, did Anna make the right decision? What's going to happen next? (ps don't ask me I don't know yet)

I have had a serious case of writers block recently so sorry.

Hopefully I'll update sooner next time. My plan is next Monday.

Talk to you later, Byee!

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