Movie Day

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"Hey kids did you enjoy the movie?" My mom asked.

"Ya mom we had a great time." I said.

"Some of us had more fun than others," Nick mumbled behind me.

"Oh you had just as much fun with Bethany as I had with Cody!" I whispered into his ear.

"Whatever," he whispered back, obviously fuming.

When we got to Nick's house my mom and I said bye, but Nick still seemed really angry. What the hell is his problem? I thought to myself. Suddenly, I got a text from Cody.

"To Anna,

I had lots of fun on our date tonight. I hope we can do it again sometime! 😉 See you at band on Tuesday!

XOXO Cody"

I immediately replied back.

"To Cody,

I had lots of fun too 😘. I'd love to go out again. You tell me when and where, I'll probably be there!

XO Anna XO"

With that my mom and I pulled up to our house. I went straight up to my room and fell asleep.

It's been a month and Cody and I are still going out. Bethany and Nick broke up a week ago. The weird thing is, Nick didn't seem to care-even though it was Bethany who broke it off. I haven't really been paying attention to Nick lately either. Mr. Jackson has been giving us a lot of projects, and I have been having a hard time keeping up with them. Between hanging out with Cody, Lizzie, Piper, and Nicole and all my homework- I have no time for anything else.

It's December now, and I didn't even realize that it was so close to the Christmas season. Nick has been trying to get time to talk to me, but I'm always busy. Finally I have a free day. All of my projects were done, Cody had Hockey practice, and all the rest of my friends were busy. I decided to spend my Saturday reading, and watching movies because I think I deserved it. I was in the middle of reading my book when I got a text from Nick.

"To Anna

Do you wanna hang out today? I miss being with my best friend...


To Nick

I'd love to! We haven't hung out in so long, we need some "twin" bonding time. Don't you think? Come to my house whenever and we'll watch movies and eat popcorn. Come comfy!!


"To Anna

Ok be there soon!!


Nick showed up at my door 5 minutes later (his house is only a short walk away) with 3 movies in his hand... all were horror. FUCK I thought. I am most definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight.

"Ok so you pick a movie first, then I pick a movie and so on and so on." I said.

"Ok then I pick this one!" He said excitedly pointing to the scariest looking horror film.

"Ok but if I have nightmares I'm blaming it on you!" I warn him heading towards the couch. He put the movie in and pressed play. Don't ask me what happened, I don't know... I was hiding under a blanket for all of it. Next, I picked High School Musical. Hey don't judge me, it's my favourite. I also wanted to make Nick pay for making me watch a horror film.

After High School Musical, Nick picked another horror movie. This time he sat close to me and wrapped his arm around me. I didn't think much of it because I mean, we're best friends. As soon as the movie started I hid under my blanket with my head leaning on Nick's shoulder. Soon I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I didn't want to move, the pillow that my head was on was just so comfy! Wait, that isn't a pillow... I thought. Wait, why does it have a heart beat? Suddenly I remembered the movie day Nick and I were having. Aw shit I thought. What if Cody doesn't want to go out with me cause I fell asleep on my bestie? Wait, why would he care? Nicks just my friend, it's not like we kissed or anything. Ya, I just fell asleep on his shoulder while watching a movie, it's ok. All of the sudden I heard Nicks start speaking.

"Why am I such an idiot?" He said to himself. "I should've just asked her out on the first day back, I mean, I have loved her since Grade 5! Why would I say yes to that idiot Bethany? Why wouldn't she see how much I love her? I wonder what she sees in that Cody guy." Then he leaned down and kissed me on the head. He didn't know I was awake because my eyes were closed. When he kissed my head I tenses up, but then I relaxed, hopefully Nick just thought it was part of a dream.

I waited a good 10 minutes before "waking up" to make sure that Nick didn't know I was awake when he was talking. I yawned and stretched while sitting up. "Good morning sleepyhead," Nick said to me.



Ok so basically I decided to repost this chapter as a fixed up version, so here you go I think it's better now..

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