The Big Surprise

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Nick's Point of View:

Kamikaze planes. Beavers. Beaches. Kitchens. I was trying to think of anything other than what was going on upstairs in Anna's room. Eventually, I kept coming back to it so I decided to just focus on all of the possible things.

She could be:

1.Making out with Cody

2.Asking Cody to be her boyfriend

3.Bored of hanging out with all of us

4.Showing Cody her awesome room.


5. Breaking up with him

That last one is probably very far away from being right, but you can't blame a guy for thinking of it right?

Finally I heard footsteps on the stairs. I couldn't help but hope that Anna had dumped him.Cody didn't look heartbroken. Damn that means they probably didn't break up. Him and Anna both looked ridiculously happy. But god does Annabeth look beautiful when she's happy. It's like looking at a princess and .... Wait nevermind I'll just stop there. I'm not a girl, I'm a guy.

Anna walked over to the remote and paused the movie.

"Cody and I have an announcement to make," Anna started.

Please be breaking up please be breaking up please be breaking up. I said to myself.

"Cody and I are," she paused here making me go all jittery,"Officially Boyfriend and girlfriend,"

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I got up to leave, I could feel the stinging in my eyes that meant tears were coming. I went to the bathroom with my jaw set forward and clenched. Cody looked at me with concern, so I just glared at him. He looked hurt. Good, I want him to hurt. Hurt like I am because he's dating the girl I've had a crush on the longest. When I got to the bathroom, I decided that I wouldn't ever care about anyone again.

Annabeth's Point of View:

"Nick? Are you ok?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"I'm. FINE. Anna, just go back to the movie." Nick replied. His voice sounded like he was choking back tears. But why would he cry? I don't think he got hurt or anything... What the hell is wrong with him!

"Ok, but remember, if you need to talk, I'm always here for you." I said in a concerned voice.

"Yeah whatever," he replied, this time with a steadier voice.

I walked back to the couch and. Sat with Cody. I was getting tired so I decided to lay my head in his lap. I rolled onto my side to watch the movie while he played with my hair. Lots of girls don't like it when people touch their hair, but I don't really care. It feels like someone cares about you when they play with your hair. Anyways, we went back to watching the movie.

Nick walked out of the bathroom after being in there for about 15 minutes. His eyes looked a little puffy. Had he been crying? No there's no way he would cry, unless he got physically hurt. I don't think that happened though. Nick sat down beside me and went back to watching the movie like nothing happened. Lizzie and Nicole had switched couches to the one that nobody was on so it wasn't quite so squished anymore. Chad and Piper were giggling and whispering excitedly, and Nicole and Lizzie kept looking at me and Cody, then whispering something to each other, then giggling. It was actually kind of funny to watch them.

Once the movie was over, every one went home. Finally it was just me and Nick left over. "I hope you had fun,"I said.

"Yeah, I did," He spat out,"but not as much fun as you did." he finished, glaring at me.

"Ok, what the hell is wrong with you? Shouldn't my best friend be happy for me? Shouldn't he not be grumpy, and hmm I don't know, maybe not glare at me all the time? What the hell is wrong with you?" I finished heatedly.

"You wanna know what's wrong with me? You really wanna know?" He practically shouted at me, with a challenging look in his eyes.

"YES! I want to know! Because guess what, I can't read you anymore. You have blocked me from reading your emotions. So how the hell am I supposed to know what's wrong with you? I-I just want to know what I did to make you so angry with me. Please stop yelling. I-I c-can't stand yelling. Your sc- scaring me Nick." I finished almost sobbing.

"Ok fine, I have had a crush on you ever since grade 5! I looked for you every day, just to see your smile. I get angry when you're with Cody. I get mad because he gets to be with you and I don't. I have known you for 11 years, and I don't get to have you! He's known you for what, 4 months? How, does he get to have you when I've waited for 3 years. 3 fucking long years. 3 years Anna, 3 fucking years." He finished dejectedly.

"Oh, really?! Because, what about Bethany? You have any idea how much that hurt me Nick? You know, I liked you from grade 5 until I met Cody. You know why that changed? Because of Bethany. I was going to tell you on the second day of school this year. I was going to tell you that I liked you. But you know what? I saw you make out with Bethany. I saw you make out with, with that bitch who didn't think I was telling the truth when I said I was going on a date. She didn't think I was pretty enough. You can't tell me that you've liked me for so long when you went out with Bethany of all people." I finished, exhausted from all of this fighting.

"Anna, Bethany asked me out. I was on my way to ask you out when she asked me. I wanted to say no, but she wouldn't stop following me so I said yes." Nick said with a sweet tone.

"Then why didn't you break up with her?" I said seeing a flaw in his excuse.

"I don't know..." He said staring at his shoes, "I'm sorry Anna."

Then his dad pulled up so I pushed him out the door and locked it behind him.

That was the last day that I knew the Nick that I saw every time I talked to him. Nick is now the player that is wanted by every girl, and hated by every boy.

After the Christmas break, when we went back to school, Nick had a new look. He wore dark blue jeans that weren't quite skinny jeans. All of his outfits had a black leather jacket in them. He had his hair cut so that it was shorter on the sides and fluffy on the top. He had turned into the bad boy. The bad boy that I never wanted him to be.


Sooo I think I'll stop writing in multiple points of view so often...

ALSO! What do you think? Bad boy Nick, ooohhhhh I didn't see that coming.


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