The Date

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But I didn't, instead I said "Oh that's cool, I'm going on a date Friday!" With a cool tone in my voice.

A weird look swept over Nick's eyes. A look I've never seen in them before.  He was probably just thinking about someone he hated. It looked like hate in his eyes, or was it hurt. Why would he be hurt, that makes no sense. No, he was probably thinking about someone he didn't like.

"Ooo maybe we could go on a double date!!" Bethany squeaked. She obviously didn't believe that anyone would ask me out. Ha! I would show her. Thankfully before they approached us, Cody had texted me and said "how bout Friday? xx Cody" so I knew the day of the date.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask him, but I would love too!" I said with sarcasm dotting the edge of my voice. Hopefully she wouldn't notice.

"Ok! Just text me the deets!" Bethany said. Pfft like I have her number.

"I'll just text Nick because I have his number already, and my phone is at the limit for memory," I lied. Truth is, I just didn't want her to have my number.

"Ok!" She said with slight hatred in her voice. Well miss pissy pants, I see that your boyfriend's not allowed to have friends that are girls? Hmmm interesting.

As soon as they left, Lizzie, Piper, and Nicole stared at me open mouthed in shock. "How in the world did you handle that so well?" Nicole asked.

"I have absolutely no idea, but I need to text Cody," I said.

"To Cody

What time Friday, and where are we going?? Also mind if my "friends" come along and make it a double date?

xo Anna ox"

My phone immediately buzzed after I sent it.

"To Anna

6:00 on Friday, were going to see Catching Fire at the movie theater. Also, about your "friends" are these the ones who hurt you? Cause I'm completely fine with them coming so we can rub it in their faces that we are happy!

Xx Cody"

"To Cody

Sounds great! And yes these are the ones who hurt me. See you Friday!

Xx Anna"

Ok so now to text Nick.

"To Nick

We will be seeing Catching Fire at 6:00 on Friday at the movie theater. Hope to see you there


Finally all the texting was done. I told my friends about the date, they were so jealous, they wanted to see Catching Fire too. "You can't come or else it won't seem real to the bitch" I say while they nodded in agreement.

It was Friday, man how did time pass so fast. Lizzie, Piper, and Nicole had finally finished making me pretty enough for the double date. I had on tight dark wash skinny jeans, a purple tye-dye looking sweater, grey uggs, and my hair was straightened. My makeup was just natural, I only put on some cover up and some mascara. I didn't want to look like cake face Bethany. When my mom dropped me off at the movie theater, I told her that I'd text her when the movie was over, and she told me to have fun.

When I walked in, there was Nick. I couldn't see Bethany or Cody anywhere so I went up and stood beside him. "Hello there bestie!!!" I yelled in his ear.

He hadn't noticed me come up, but then he turned to me with a smile. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened. "What?" I fake pouted "Do I look that bad?"

"No, it's just that umm well you uhh don't usually look like this" he stuttered out.

"Ok then" I said "Oh, by the way... I told my mom that it was just you and me going to the movie," I added.

"That's ok." Nick answered, "I told my mom the same thing." He chuckled.

"Oh my gosh!!! High five! We still think alike!" I said. We laughed as we high fived. All of the sudden I saw Cody.

"Hi Cody!!" I said maybe a bit too enthusiasticly, "How are you?"

He gave me a look like this is the guy? And cocked his eyebrow while I gave a little nod yes. He pursed his lips, and said "ANNA!! Oh my gosh I missed you so much!! Come and give me a hug, I've been wanting to see your beautiful face since Tuesday!" He half yelled.

I ran over to him, gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, "Stop being so fake!! They'll never believe you, just act the way you usually do. That's the part I like! Also I don't want them thinking you're gay! Even if you are I don't really care, but Bethany would think you didn't actually ask me out,"

"Sorry, I won't do that again." Cody said.

"K thanks" I whispered, then I realized how long we had been hugging because  Nick cleared his throat.

"Oh umm sorry, I forgot you were here Nick." I said blushing.

Nick had this weird look in his eyes and he was glaring at Cody. What the fuck Nick. You have a girlfriend that you make out with all the time.

Suddenly I heard the most annoying squeaky voice on earth. "NICK!!!" Bethany said.

"Bethany..." I muttered under my breath to Cody. He turned around and then looked at me.

"I definitely have the better date." He whispered in my ear which made me blush and laugh because he had to go on his tippy toes.

When Bethany got to us she gave Cody and I a look of surprise, like she didn't expect us to be there. Then I said "Bethany, Nick this is Cody. He's in band with me."

"Nice to meet you" Bethany said shaking his hand. Nick just glared at Cody.

"Can I talk to you alone Nick." I said.

"Of course!" He said, his mood lightening.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean. Look, I know you probably feel protective over me cause we're basically twins, but you need to be nice to him!" I almost yelled at him. Why the fuck was he being so rude.

"K fine." He said with the voice of a defeated two year old.

"Thank you." I said.

We walked back to where Cody and Bethany were standing "Sorry about that," I said, "Now, lets go watch a movie!"

During the movie, Nick and Bethany started making out beside Cody and I.  I turned and buried my face in Cody's chest trying to pull it off that I was scared. "It's ok Anna, just ignore them." Cody whispered to my head.  I looked into his big hazel eyes and kissed him. He responded back immediately, and soon we were the ones making out in the movie theater. I vaguely saw Bethany and Nick pulling away from each other when I slightly opened my eyes. I don't know why but I can't keep my eyes closed for a really long time. When we pulled away, I saw Nick glaring at us and Bethany staring at us.  Well now this is awkward... Cody and I spent the rest of the movie just cuddling together and holding hands.

When the movie ended Cody's mom was already there so he went off with her. Bethany's dad came right after and picked her up. "I guess I should text my mom" I said.

"Do you mind giving me a ride?" He asked.

"Yeah no problem." I replied.

We sat there in silence waiting for my mom. After a few minutes, Nick said "What did you think of the movie?"

"It was good," I replied.

"Really, cause it didn't seem like you saw much of it" he said through gritted teeth.

Just then my mom walked in and saw us waiting.



Thanks for reading! Oooh Nicks jealous? Lets see how this plays out....

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