Grade Nine

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That all happened about a year ago and now were back to the first day of grade nine. So basically what happened in between then and now is Nick dated basically all of the girls in our grade last year (and I'm talking like the whole city here) with the exception of Piper (who is still with Chad by the way), Lizzie, Nicole, and obviously me (I'm still with Cody). I guess that new look did a lot for him. Nick also started working out so now he's basically packed with muscle. It's crazy how he got from chubby to muscle in so little time.


It was the first day of high school and I was really excited to see my friends again, but I was also extremely nervous and I was also certain that I'd get lost. My mom decided to drive me to school that day because, well, it was my first day of high school!

When we got to the school I saw lots of people my age standing by the doors, so I went over to that area after getting out of the car. I spotted Lizzie immediately. I started walking towards her when I realized that Nicole, Piper, Chad, and Cody were with her. I was kind of disappointed but not surprised that Nick wasn't standing with them. But I guess it made sense because we all kinda stopped hanging out with him after he turned into a player. Well, all of us except for Chad. Chad is his best friend and all (yeah, we're no longer bros).

When I finally reached them Piper and Chad hadn't realized that I had shown up. They were arguing over something really stupid, but then Chad realized he was wrong

"I'm sorry hun, I was wrong, forgive me?" He said.

"How could I stay mad at you," she cooed into his ear then bringing her lips to his in what soon turned into a very heated kiss. Chad's hands were making their way down to her butt.

Finally I said "Ok you two, we get it, you love each other but seriously get a room!" They both turned around and looked around as if remembering where they were with bright red faces.

"Anna! I missed you so much!" Piper said her face still bright red.

"I did too!" Chad said his face was an even darker shade of red than Piper's, and I didn't even know that was possible.

"Come here beautiful!" Cody said with his arms open wide. He got taller over the summer, now the top of his head is at my chin. I went in for the hug and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. His hands were rubbing circles on my back. I just wanted to stay there, in his arms, forever.

"You grew," I mumbled in his ear.

"Ya now I don't have to look up quite so much to see your beautiful face," he said.

"And I don't have to look down too much to see your handsome one," I whispered.

"Ok love birds," Chad said, "we get it, you like each other, get a room,"

"Well at least we're not making out right now trying to touch each others butts!" I fought back, making Piper and Chad blush again. Awww they're so cute together.

"Well I was going to say I missed you, but I did just see you yesterday, so I see no point in telling you that," Lizzie said.

I chuckled "Well I missed all of you! GROUP HUG!!!" I yelled, who cares if people stare at us. We all hugged.

When we let go every one wasn't staring at us, they were staring at someone who just got out of a car. He was wearing skinny jeans that had an almost black wash with a white v-neck tee-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His sunglasses were black ray bans. He, was Nick. The impression he left on the girls was actually really funny. Some of them were like "oooooh who is that, he's hot!!!" and others were like "ugh, he's going here, I thought I'd never have to see that players face again." I had never seen Nick have THAT impression on girls before. To top it off, he had a smirk glued to his face like he knew he'd have this impression. I had to admit, he looked a little, teeny bit good. Shhh don't tell Cody I said that.

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