Movie Day (Part Two)

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Nicks Point of View:

God, she looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. Her golden hair framed her face, and her face looked so peaceful. When she was awake she never really looked this peaceful. She always looked like she was fighting with herself. That must be hard. I've been in a fight with Anna, she never loses. How the hell could she come up with an answer while fighting herself. She definitely didn't get along with the monsters inside of her head. Hahahaha get it?

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired of pretending. Tired of waiting. Tired of hiding. Tired of being in love with my best friend. I broke. Something I had promised myself that I'd never do. I broke and I told her. Sure, she was sleeping, but it still got the heavy weight out of my chest.

"Why am I such an idiot?" I said to her sleeping body. "I should've just asked her out on the first day back, I mean, I have loved her since Grade 5! Why would I say yes to that idiot Bethany? Why wouldn't she see how much I love her? I wonder what she sees in that Cody guy." Then I leaned down and kissed me on the head. Anna's body tensed up when I kissed her, but then it relaxed again. She must be having a bad dream I thought to myself.

About ten minutes later she woke up. "Good morning sleepyhead," I said to her.

She smiled. When she smiled, something in me broke. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to kiss those beautiful lips. Knowing that I had to share MY Anna with that stupid Cody guy. God that asshole stole my girlfr- no, best friend. You have never dated so calm yourself down. There is absolutely nothing to care about except for your friendship.

Anna went back to hiding under her blanket when she realized the movie wasn't over. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. There were sparks shooting through my veins starting where Anna's head was. Then I remembered the movie theater. Anna and Cody's first kiss. Soon I was boiling with rage. That should have been me. I was supposed to be Anna's first boyfriend. That was just the way it was supposed to be. That's the way it had gone in my head every time I imagined us getting together. Ughh I sounded like a mushy girl. That's enough, be a man. You don't care.... But you do care, said a voice inside of me. You care too much. You care so much that it hurts to just look at her. No. That is enough. Stop. Be a man. A man of steel. Not a single feeling. Completely emotionless. Separate from everyone else.

Annabeth's Point of View:

When I "woke up" I realized that the movie wasn't over so I went back into my blanket cocoon. Sometimes, Nicks chest would tighten and relax. It must just be the movie, I thought. Finally, Nick opened up the blanket cocoon and told me the movie was over. I was so relieved. I picked High School Musical 2.

"Oh come on Anna!" Nick said, clearly exasperated at my choice.

"Oh come on Nick! You made me watch a horror movie!!" I said.

"Okay fine," he said in a defeated tone.

During the movie in the corner of my eyes, I kept seeing Nick look at me. It was really annoying like seriously stop and pay attention to the movie! When it got to the part when Gabriella decides to leave Troy I looked over and saw Nick was crying! Haha sucker fell for a chick flick.

"Why are you crying Nick," I said with a smirk plastered onto my face.

"Why are you looking at me?" He said trying to smirk through his tears.

"Because I wanted to see if you were crying!" I said while Nick's smirk disappeared and turned back into a sad, teary face.

"Ya sure you were," he said through his teeth.

We went back to the movie, but now I was thinking about what Nick had said to "himself". Why had he waited so long, I mean, I didn't exactly make it that hard to figure out. It was obvious that I liked him. I gave up on Nick and that is the exact truth. I got tired of waiting for him so I gave up, and I moved on to someone else.

And Nick has no one to blame but himself.

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