Nick's Secret

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When I met Nick the next morning before school he looked like he hasn't slept all night. But he still kinda looked good. There was no one around us.

"What did you want to talk about," he said tiredly.

"You have 5 minutes to explain to me why you turned into such an asshole and why you won't accept the fact that I'm with Cody and you need to accept that. Ok go." I said. I also hadn't gotten a lot of sleep that Night because I had been planning what to say.

"Ok I won't accept you and Cody because I still don't believe that you don't like me at all, and I still like you so I have a little bit of hope for us. Also, I am not an asshole," he said looking down at me with those puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip.

"First of all, you know that doesn't work on me," I said pointing to his face, "Second of all, I like Cody very much, and third of all you are an asshole. You play with girls like they're fucking toys! You, are the reason that I don't like you anymore. Not Cody. You turned into this jerk! Sure, maybe you have a better look now but you have a worse look on the inside. You're like a rose. Sure, you're handsome on your top layer, but the farther down you look it just gets uglier and uglier."

"Ok, the reason I'm like this, playing with emotions and shit is because, because well... I can't tell you," he said.

"Well then your five minutes of explanation are up. We are still not friends, and if you ever touch me in any way at all I will flip you." I said walking away quickly. Behind me I could hear loud, quick footsteps coming towards me.

"Wait Anna!" He yelled after me catching up and grabbing my wrist.

"What did I just say? 3 2 1..." with that I turned and put his wrist behind his back, pulling up on it until he cried out in pain.

"You said flip, not almost fucking dislocate my shoulder." he whimpered, cradling his arm. I didn't even push it up that far.

"Ya but I figured this would work best, now, what do you want?" I said practically spitting the words at him.

"Anna, the reason I stopped being caring is-" he started.

"What the FUCK are you doing with my girlfriend?!" Cody yelled, interrupting him.

"Look, she asked me to meet her hear because she wanted me to explain something's to her. If you think that I'm making a move on her, you are sadly mistaken. She asked me to meet her hear." He said walking towards Cody.

"Is this true Anna?" He asked.

"Yes it is, I promise. I just didn't understand why he became the way he is and I needed to know. He was my very best friend, and that transformation he went through didn't seem... well it didn't seem very mentally sound!" I said, I had no reason to be ashamed, but with the look Cody have me I felt like I had just been caught cheating on him.

"Why didn't your tell me you were gonna do this?" He said, his eyes burning into mine.

"I honestly just forgot to tell people I was so worried that I would say the wrong thing. Cody, I promise nothing was going to happen." I told him.

"Ya," Nick piped up, "I grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking away from me because I didn't finish, and she almost dislocated my shoulder!" Nick finished, obviously trying to help.

That seemed to soften Cody up a bit. "Ok Anna, I trust that you're telling me the truth." Cody said.

"Thanks Cody, now Nick what were you saying?" I said.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter." Nick replied.

"Okay, whatever." I said as I walked away with Cody.

When Cody and I walked in the school he stopped in the middle of the hallway and kissed me. I responded back immediately. He smiled into the kiss and then we broke apart.

"Good," he said, "You still like me."

"Mmhm," I said hugging him and snuggling into his chest.

I felt someone rush past me, after Cody and I had been hugging for a long time. I looked up to see who it was, what I saw was Nick running towards the guys bathroom with his hands rubbing his eyes. He must have gotten some dust in his eyes when he was outside or something.

That day at lunch we all met in the same spot as yesterday. This time I was early so I just sat there and waited. Chad was the first one to show up.

"Did you give Nick a chance to talk to you?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Ya, but Cody interrupted us when Nick was about to tell me why he changed," I said in a frustrated tone. To tell the truth, I hadn't paid attention at all in class because I was thinking about what Nicks answer would be. Did he not like himself? Was it my fault? Did he just want something new? I don't know but those were just some of the ideas I had out of the 150 ideas buzzing in my head.

"Oh," he said disappointed, "Did Cody get mad?"

"Well he did but then we explained it to him and he wasn't anymore." I replied.

"Okay," he said, sounding disappointed. Why would he sound disappointed?

We had been waiting there for a while when Nick showed up.

"Anna, can I talk to you?" He asked me, "Alone." He added, giving Chad a pointed look.

"Okay whatever," I said sounding calm. But on the inside, I was freaking out. It was so exciting. I was gonna find out why Nick changed so much!

We walked into this little hallway that basically no one ever goes through.

"So we were interrupted this morning when I was about to tell you why I became this." he said, motioning to himself.

"Yes, yes we were." I replied.

"The reason I became who I am now is..." He looked up to the roof, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Oh come on Nick! I've been distracted all morning thinking about what your reason is! Please just man-up and tell me!" I pleaded.

"We'll the reason is," he said, looking me in the eyes. "Do you remember that night that you and Cody became official?"

"Umm yeah we were having a movie night at my place and then afterwards we got into a huge fight," I said.

"Well that night when I was in the bathroom, I promised to myself that I would never care about another girl because-" he was cut off by Cody.

"What the absolute FUCK are you doing with my girlfriend?" He seethed. Why was he so uptight? We were just talking. Then I realized how close I was to him because he had been talking so quietly. It probably looked like I was about to kiss him.

"Do I have to repeat myself? What are you doing?"



Ooh Cliffhanger!! Sorry that I dot update very often it's just that I'm really super busy. Ill try to update sooner this time because of the cliff hanger. It will definitely be less than 13 days this time, I promise. Anyways, what do you think about Cody's jealous side?

Have a great week! (lol nope)

Bye bye!

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