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After lunch I have to see Bethany again. She's in my class and she's the school's biggest biotch. She has long brown hair. And brown eyes. Her make up is caked on so thick, I don't even remember what her actual face looks like. Somehow, all of the boys still like her. She is honestly a biotch though. When she's around me, she acts all nice and stuff, but when she doesn't know I'm there and I hear her, all I hear from her is a load of shit. I wonder if her ass ever gets jealous of her mouth, I mean, so much shit comes out of it... Sorry, that was mean. But still! I just really hope she doesn't stop Nick from being my friend. Ugh, we have social studies now. Why couldn't we just have reading time?

I walk into class and see Bethany staring daggers at me. Woah girl, calm down. I just fainted and my best friend who I've known since pre-school caught me. No big deal. Throughout social studies, I took notes just waiting for the time to leave for band to come. Band is my favourite time because I get to be with all of my friends without Bethany being near.

When it was finally time for band, I grabbed my saxophone and ran out of the school as fast as possible to wait for the bus. When I get there I see Piper, Nicole, and Lizzie waiting for me. We were the only ones from our school that go to band. While we waited for the bus, Piper came up with the idea to play truth or dare. "Anna, truth or dare?" Piper asked.

"Umm, truth." I picked. I had learned that with these guys it was best to always pick truth, I had nothing to hide from them.

"How long have you liked Nick for?" asked Piper.

Dammit! The only question I didn't want to answer. "ummm, well, I think that I've liked him since about grade 5?" I said questioning myself. I mean after all I didn't even know myself. Suddenly, the bus pulled up so we stumbled on lugging our heavy instruments on.

Finally we got to band. When I walked in, I noticed a new saxophone. I wonder where he came from. I had to admit, he was cute. When I went over there, I noticed that his feet didn't touch the ground. Aweee, I thought to myself, he's short!! I have a soft spot for short people, they're just so... cute!! I sat next to him "Hi, I'm Annabeth, but you can call me Anna." I said to him.

"I'm Cody," he said.

"So, Cody, did you switch schools, or just decide to join band this year?" I asked him.

"I moved schools from St. Marks, to Ryansford Elementary," Cody said, "Played saxophone in the band there too."

"Oh cool!" I said. Man, Cody was HOT!! He was also super nice, and he didn't seem to have a huge ego. He had brown hair that was messy, but styled to be that way. He had hazel eyes, and his nose turned up a bit at the end. He was also really short, probably under 5' tall.

When band finished, I was really confused. I didn't know if I liked Cody, or Nick, or if I liked both of them, which was weird for me. I've never really liked more than one guy at once, but here I am liking two guys. I tried to convince myself that my feelings for Cody were just my heart, trying to latch onto something that wouldn't, couldn't hurt me. That didn't work. All day I kept thinking about Cody, and Nick. I had no idea what the hell I was going to do.

When I got back to school, it was recess. Down in the field, Nick and Bethany were making out. FUCK!! Nicole, Piper, and Lizzie all saw too. "Come on Anna lets just keep walking" Nicole said.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream in rage. But I didn't. I kept it in. I kept walking, and walking, and walking. I made it to the the doors and I sat down. I sat down and covered my face and screamed into my hands. Then I stood up and turned to my friends like nothing had happened. I was going to be fine. I was going to get over him. Find someone else to care about. I wouldn't think about Nick anymore. He wouldn't be in my mind anymore, he wouldn't exist.

A week passed and I had barely payed attention to Nick. I didn't break every time that I saw him and Bethany. I realized that we had band again today. Good!! I get to see Cody. When I got in he turned his head and on his face was the biggest smile that I've ever seen on anyone's face. I returned it half-heartedly. All of the sudden his smile turned into a frown. I guess he sensed that I was kind of upset. When I walked over there and sat down, he immediately asked "Anna, what is wrong?"

"Nothing," I muttered bitterly.

"Okay, Anna? I know something's wrong, I'm not an idiot. Tell me what happened." he said.

"You probably wouldn't understand," I mumbled.

"God dammit Anna, if you don't tell me now, I will slap you!! I'm sure that I'll understand" he said with a tone of finality in his voice.

"Ok fine soo.... there's this guy who was my best friend, and, well I kinda had a huge crush on him but now he has a girlfriend so I just feel really confused and sad because I think I still like him but now I think I like.... Umm never mind that but yeah that's all" I said.

"Anna, do you umm is it uh... me that you like?" He said looking down at his feet while blushing.

"Umm yeah I think so... did you.... Like me too?" I mumbled looking down at my feet and I felt like I looked like a big tomato.

"Yeah." He said looking into my eyes, his were filled with hope. Oh! He just looked so adorable. "Do you, uhh want to go out sometime, unless you feel like you still like that other guy.. "

Awww he looked so cute when he was nervous "I'd love to Cody," I gave him my number and then the teacher walked in. After band I was so happy! I was happy for the first time in days. Actually happy, not just faking.

As I stepped onto the bus, my friends could see it to. "What happened Anna!!" they shrieked, making me laugh.

"Umm well... Cody asked me out?" I said still not believing it myself.

"OH MY GOD!!" They screamed while the bus driver glared at us.

"Shh guys be quieter it's not that big of a deal," I whispered.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Piper whispered "he's your first date!! You have to let us help you get ready!"

"Ok ok you can help me get ready!" I exclaimed.

"Ok when is the date?" Nicole asked.

"I don't know he said he would text me." I said.

When we got to the school I was happy. Then Bethany an Nick walked over to us. Oh great I thought, what do they want! Bethany had this smirk on her face like she had just punched out a guy ten times her size.

"Annabeth," she crowed, "Guess what? Nick and I are official!" With those words I wanted to punch her in the face.

But I didn't, instead I said "Oh that's cool, I'm going on a date Friday!" With a cool tone in my voice.

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