The Confession

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It's been about a week since I broke up with Cody.

And honestly I don't even care. He sort of looks sad but there's girls throwing themselves at him already anyway so that won't last long. When I say throwing themselves, I actually mean throwing themselves. Cody caught someone yesterday because they "fell". I think I saw them jump off of some lockers.

I have noticed though, that Nick has been hanging out with us a lot more recently, and it's nice to have him back as a friend. I have to admit that my feelings for him are coming back, which makes me wonder how much I actually liked Cody in the first place.

That doesn't matter though. What matters is the fact that I'm falling for him again.

"Annabeth!" Nick's voice awakens me from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"I said what do you wanna do?" Nick says, only slightly annoyed by the fact that a didn't hear him the first time.

Did I mention that I'm at Nick's house? His parents, my parents, and Lizzie's parents are all friends so they're all upstairs while Lizzie, Nick, and I are in the basement.

"I don't know, why do I have to pick?" I whined.

"Because you're the guest!" Nick said.

"Lizzie's a guest to!" I pouted.

"Fine then Lizzie, you pick." Nick said.

"Why doesn't she have to pick!" Lizzie exclaimed.

"Because she doesn't want to." Nick said, exasperatedly.

"But I don't want to either!" Lizzie said.

"Fine then Anna pick!" He said, starting to get angry.

"Ok fine! Ummm... lets play N64!" I decided.

"Seriously ugh k well then I'm going to the bathroom while you set up," Lizzie said. She hates the game that I like.

Nick started setting up the tv to be hooked up to the N64. I just sat back and watched him move around. Suddenly he turned around.

"Stop staring at me would ya?" He said, "It's making me uncomfortable,"

"I was not staring!" I lied.

"Really? Then why did you look so panicked when I said that?" He said.

Damn, he got me there. "I-I-I-" I stuttered out before biting my lip and pouting.

"Dammit Anna, stop pouting!" He said.

"Why?" I whined, still pouting.

"Because I don't know if..." He started.

"If what?" I prompted.

"If I can stop myself from doing this," he said.

"Wha-" I started to say but I was interrupted by his mouth on mine. He was sitting on the couch now, and turning my head to the side wasn't exactly comfortable, so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I turned my body so that I had one knee on one side of his legs, and one knee on the other side. Basically, I was straddling him. He opened his mouth slightly in surprise, I guess he didn't expect me to kiss him back. His open mouth gave me the perfect chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. What? I told you that my feelings were coming back for him! I just may have left out that they were ten times stronger... Anyways, when I slipped my tongue into his mouth, he took only a second to react, slipping his tongue into my mouth too. I forgot I was at his house, that our parents were there, that Lizzie would probably come back soon. I forgot everything. All I could think of was me and Nick.

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