Movie Night (haha I see a theme)

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It was the last day of school before Christmas holidays and Lizzie, Piper, Nicole, Nick, Cody, Pipers boyfriend Chad, and I had decided to have a movie night on the next day. We were so excited planning it.

It was finally the next day and I spent the whole day cleaning things in my house. Eventually they all started showing up. We all picked Monsters Inc. Piper and Chad sat together on the small couch while Cody, Lizzie, Nicole, and I sat on the big couch. Nick sat alone on a smaller couch.

About half-way through the movie Nick turned around and saw Cody playing with my hair and pecking me on the cheek. The look on his face was so... so full of anger. He looked like he wanted to punch Cody in the face. He looked hurt. I wanted to go comfort him, but I didn't know how to do it with all my friends there, my more than friend there, and without telling Nick that I heard him talking to himself. FUCK! What do I do? I thought to myself.

"Is something wrong honey?" Cody mumbled into my ear. I was sitting next to him with my head on chest and he was slouching down.

"I don't know..." I said.

"I'm always here for you Anna," Cody said, making me blush. Aww he's so sweet.

I turned my head to make it look like I was watching the movie, but really, I was just thinking. How am I supposed to be a good friend without hurting anyone's feelings? Ughh I'm such an asshole. When Cody and I are happy, Nick is upset. Actually, Cody doesn't really care that I hang out with Nick a lot. I'm glad he understands that we're just best friends. I don't know, I'll have to find a way to sort this out.

Cody's Point of View:

I really do like Anna. I want her to be my official Girlfriend, but I'm too scared to ask. Her beautiful, blonde hair was curly-ish today. Her blue eyes were so bright and beautiful. I just... I like her. I like her a lot. I was playing with her hair during these thoughts.

Why does her friend Nick hate me so much. Like I get it they were best friends, but I didn't do anything to jeopardize that. The way he looked at me with so much anger and so much hatred, it scared me. I cuddled closer with Anna, pecking her on the head just as Nick turned around. The look in his eyes was murderous. I wanted to disappear and hide. Why the fuck was he so angry at me? I didn't do anything. I was just cuddling with my girlfriend...

Anna's Point of View:

Nick kept looking at me and Cody cuddling all through the movie. Suddenly, he stood up when we were halfway through the second movie we decided to watch (The Lion King) and said "I feel lonely," and with that he sat down right between me and Cody who were just watching the movie. He put one arm around my shoulders and left his other arm by his side. Cody's face was turning red with anger and jealousy. "Cody, come with me please," I said. Cody and I stood up and went upstairs to my room. My room is the coolest it has white paint with red, blue, yellow, and green splatters all over. It was so much fun to paint.

"What did you want to say Anna," his voice was full of hurt.

I guess he thought that I was going to break it off. I chuckled at that thought.

"What's so funny?" He pouted.

"Cody if you thought I was going to break it off then you are delusional. I brought you up here because I thought you might need a break from Nick's anger filled stares."

"Oh... Ok!" He said, his voice obviously brightening. "Well in that case, will you umm... will you be my uh... Girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

"Of course!" I said.

"Great!" He said, it was funny watching him try to stay cool when in his eyes it looked like he was throwing a party in his head.

"You just can't let Nick get to you anymore, ok Cody? Yes, it's true that I used to like him, but now I like you and only you. So if he does something that you think oversteps the barrier, just remember that I like you and to me, it's just a friendly gesture." I said with a serious tone.

"Ok Anna, but what if he makes a move on you?" Cody said with a worried tone in his voice.

"Cody I am plenty strong enough to slap him, and make him remember that he missed his chance!" I said with a smirk.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He said with a smile.

"Of course I do!" I said with a joking tone in my voice. With that we laughed are heads off until I couldn't breathe anymore, then we headed downstairs.


Sorry that I haven't update recently, I had writers block.

So, what do you think?

Team Cody?


Team Nick?

Shipping names: Andy and Nina!

Ooo I like those. Anyways.

Hi how are you? I'll stop blabbering now, so BYEE!

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