Chapter 17: Shantelle's contraction pains and giving birth.

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Chapter 17: Shantelle's contraction pain and  giving birth.

I  was now  nine months  pregnant, and i've been feeling  a  bit of  pain  since early  this morning like  five  but the pains were getting stronger  now it was  6:23 to be precise and  I  couldn't sleep because of these  excruciating pain, it felt like a sharpe knife was cutting through my  belly bottom  so I   look  down at a sleeping Justin next to me  in the bed I took my time and got myself into  a sitting position  "Justin!" "Justin!"  I shouted while I  shook him ,"OUCH!" OUCH" "Justin," wake! up!" I  scream in pain

"OMG"OMG,"OMG!!!" I  scream in pain more, severe pain this time but, I  thought this time I woke up everyone even Jazzy. 

"Shan?" "Shantelle,"  a sleepy Justin ask  and call  " take deep breaths and exhale Shan"  while I  call the  ambulance  you will be fine OK."

Justin  told me  Pattie was with me while he was  in the hallway calling the ambulance.  I felt like I was gonna die  the pain got really severe  and my waterbroke  "Omg" my water just broke ," I  told both Pattie and Justin , i was still  taking deep breaths in and exhaling but soon the ambulance  was here  a tall big built man and  another  average body size one came out of the ambulance  they  took me inside the back of the ambulance and put me on the bed  Justin came in the ambulance  with me , while Pattie and  Jazzy  followed behind the  ambulance in her car.

"OUCH!" I  cried  when another one of those sharpe pain hit me, Justin held my hand  "you're going to be ok  Shawty," Justin told me  staring directly into my eyes  with a glint of hope and happiness in his beautiful brown hazel eyes,  but soon the ambulance arrive at the hospital  they took me out of the ambulance and I was quickly  put  on a stretcher  two nurses and a doctor  rush me off to  a room  which I assume  was the delivery room, Justin was in there with me too  I was now  feeling more pain  and  they were  even more excruciating than before  " Shantelle  I love  you so much and  you will be fine  OK ," 

Justin told me  "OMG!"OMG!" I  can't  do  this!"  I scream in more pain  when  the doctor  who was in the room gave me  a epidural injection to calm the pains, the Dr's name was  Dr Nordeen , he check me  I was screaming in agony  I felt as if I was going to die, "Well miss Mason and Mr Bieber ,"  I am doctor Nordeen  I will be  delivering your baby  this morning he said introducing himself  with  a hand extended  Justin shook his  hand "please to meet you Doctor," Justin  reply while  they shook hands .

" Now Mr  Bieber , "I  can see  a bit of complications  with the baby  inside Shantelle,"   but  nothing to be worried about we are  trying our best  to  see if  we can deliver it naturally , "  

Doctor Nordeen  told Justin.  "So what is the complication  DR?" Justin ask  DR Nordeen  scared with a glint of hope in his eyes, "well Mr. Bieber  the baby  have  turn crossway in  Shantelle's stomach and it's breach also which means the baby is a bit  stress now  the only way to deliver  this baby  now  is unless we gave Shantelle  a  C-section OK," because I've  experience a lot of  cases like  Shantelle's and  it's pretty much the best  option ,meaning a c-section is the best option medically now  in Shantelle's  case and for both the baby's and your fiancee safety hopefully ." 

The Doctor  and  the crew of nurses  brought me to another room  which looked pretty much like a theatre, the epidural   injection was wearing out of my body  I could feel the pain   it was still in my  belly bottom  but then the dr gave me another  injection  and i was numb in no time  and  Dr Nordeen deliver  our baby  atlast  I heard it cry ,  "Awe   Mr Bieber  and  Miss Mason  its a girl,"  doctor Nordeen said smiling while handing  her to me.

"Congrats to you both   with a healthy  eight  pounds  and three quarter ounces  daughter,"  the Dr  said  smiling at us  and shaking Justin's hands .

" Justin  isn't  she beautiful and she has got your eyes and  your lips too," I told  him, "oh  yeah she surely is shawty just like you,"  he reply with a smile from ear to ear   then  it hit me  what will we name our daughter?" then I  remember  the names that me and Justin picked lastweek at the library   it was Lucy Elina Bieber  which  was for a girl baby if we had one and  Jason Drew Bieber was for a boy  but our baby was a girl , her  name is Lucy Elina Bieber.

Soon  after   a nurse took  Lucy  from  my arms to  wash her  and dress her   and another one brought me into the ward , Justin was gone back home now  to get some clean clothes for me but Pattie and  Jazzy was here they  came  to see me in the ward........






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