Chapter 14 : JB's Confession to Ellen about being Shantelle's baby's dad.

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A/N:  Hi  everyone , this note is to let my faithful readers,voters,followers and also writers who read this story and  all who may add it and like it i ,thank you and also thanks for the votes and comments  and also the follows too thanks a lot, oh i'm sorry for my  slow uploading of this story forgive me, but the writer's block messed  me up and wanted to  recover  good  from writer's stupid before i start writing again so thanks again and i hope you'll enjoy this chapter  as much as i enjoy writing it. @shikiela.


Normal  P.O.V

The  next morning  i woke up  by the sound of my   phone ringing   , it was still early   it was  only  6:41 to be precise  i grab my phone off of the nightstand   it was Taylor, i  saw the  caller's  id    so i answered   it   while i got ,myself into a sitting position  in bed.

"Shantelle= Hello Taylor

"Taylor=Hey  Shantelle, how are you?"

Shantelle= I'm  fine thanks, and you?"

Taylor= I'm  good too Shantelle."

Shantelle= so what are you doing  now?"

Taylor=  Oh i'm watching Ellen show , which is why i call you because  i thought you should be watching  Justin's  Confession ok  so turn your tele on the Ellen show  Justin's  confession about being your baby's dad."

Shantelle= ok  then  i just  put my tele on her show,  but  Jasmine is on the stage with him too," do you think  she will  confess too  about  getting back with you?."

Taylor= I don't know , Shantelle but i hope so, ok   ttyl  let's watch this first ok.

Shantelle=  bye  Tay ttyl.

after   we  said our goodbyes   we hangup.

And  i  stayed  in  that  sitting position on my   bed and  watch  the Ellen  show   and i wanted  to hear  what  Justin was  going  to confess  about, if it was really about  being my  unborn   baby's father.

     ( Justin's  Confession)

"Hello Ellen ,"  and everyone  else out there in the audience  too  and to the public  in general."

Justin   greeted  everyone .

"Hi Justin  welcome  to my  show again , nice to see you again  the last time we saw you  was  when you and Shantelle had your interviews , oh and speaking of which how is Shantelle?."  

Ellen   ask  with a cheery smile.

" Well Ellen to be honest i think she's fine, the last time i saw her she was on a  lunch date  with Taylor  Lautner,"   and i came on here  for a totally different reason , and that is to  confess to you and my fans  and also to everyone else , that  all  the questions you asked me on my last interview on here  with Shantelle  i answered them with a lie , so  what i'm trying to say is that   all of Shantelle's  questions was answer truthfully but all of mine was  answered with a lie  and therefore i'm very sorry  Ellen."

" Please find it in your  heart to forgive me i'm so,so sorry   and  please  Shantelle  i'm very  sorry   for being such a despicable  jerk  to you when you needed me the most and also on our  vacation too , so  please forgive me for being such a jerk  to  you  if  you are watching  my confession on the Ellen  show."

"Shantelle we need to talk please," i will  call you later  ok  thank you."

Justin  said.

"Oh  and everyone  one more thing i would like to  confim to you all, too   that  it is my  baby  Shantelle  is carrying we both created him/her  when we were on vacation in the bahamas."

Atlast ! everyone knew  now   and  a lot of them know now that i was'nt the bad guy here  all who thought i slept with Justin's friend , knew  different now  , well i hope so anyway.

"Justin   are you finish confessing  now?"

Jasmine   ask.

"Yes  i am  finished."

"Well   i  have something  i would like  to  say now,"

"I  am  very  sorry  Taylor   but if you could just find it in your heart to forgive please , i  thought you weren't coming back  to me  , and  so i hope my ex boyfriend  would take me back which he did  but recently  i've missing  you  and  my conscience have been killing me, oh please Shantelle let's get  back  our right man ok and also i'm sorry for being such a bitch to you  on the phone too and a pain in  the neck  sorry."

" Thanks  Justin and Jasmine  but everyone make mistakes on this earth , ok  and  i forgive you Justin  because no one in this world is perfect  not even the Royalties  so  don't  worry  too much  about getting back your other halves guys."

Ellen  told  both Jasmine and Justin  while  they  shook hands.

"Thank you   Justin  and  Jasmine,"  a huge  round of applause  to Justin  Bieber  and  Jasmine Villegas  two great singers  who came on here  to  confess something to the whole world which they did the right thing."

Ellen  said  into the microphone.

" Bye  Ellen  see you  next time,"

Justin and  Jasmine both  told her  walking off the stage  while she  waved to them  with a  pleasant smile  plaster across her lips.

After  about  five minutes  they got back into the limo and  left.

After  the show was finish i was feeling  happy  because seeing Justin  confessed on Ellen show  i was greatful and i thought he did the right thing too, and suddenly i was feeling like visiting the mall today again   aswell....





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