Chapter 1- Took it too fast

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Emmas POV
"quit pushing me!" "You're in my way!" "MOM!" say my three brothers. I sighed. They're extremely annoying and make a huge fuzz out of everything. We were on our way to our new house, my brothers were offered a huge- well, I dont really know what they were offered. We drove and we finally arrived. Most people have never heard about me, why? I dont want fame. I dont want cameras flashing at me every minute just like they do to my brothers. They always assume I'm either one of my brothers girlfriends but I'm not. "sweetie, you can pick your room first these boys are giving me a headache!" My mom groaned. I nodded. I went upstairs of our new house and choose a nice room, not to big, but not to small. It had my own bathroom so no more fighting for the bathroom with my brothers! We unpacked and I decorated my room, it took hours but I liked it. I was extremely tired and I had to get ready for tomorrow. I went to bed.
I woke up, I got dressed in some ripped jeans, a cute black shirt, and a hoodie. I slipped on my converse and brushed my hair, I let it down, nothing special. I choose to go to public school because its nice to talk to people instead of starring at the computer screen all day. My mom drove me to school. "Have fun sweetie" she says. "Thanks mom" I smiled. I went to the office and got my schedule and my locker combination. "Locker 273" says the lady. I nodded. I settled off to find it and I found it, along with something disturbing. I saw this boy sucking a girls face. "Ew" I thought to myself. Before I could reach for my locker the boy slammed the girl against my locker and kissed her neck. She let out a soft moan. "Jesus wheres the holy water!" I thought to myself. "Can you please move?" I asked. They ignored  me and continued to stuff their tongues into each others throats. "Move?" I say a little more loudly. The boy looked at me. "sorry" he says. "babe I have to go" says the girl. "Bye Jaz" he says. "bye Jacob" she giggled. Oooh his name is Jacob, he looks familiar. I finally opened my locker and before I could put anything in, My papers fell everywhere. "fuck" I mumbled. Jacob was still there, he helped me with my books and papers and he got a hold of my schedule. "Emma Rowlandd....." he says looking at my schedule. "Funny, you have all classes with me sugar" he winked. I shivered. "Okay dont you have a girlfriend?" I asked putting in my books and papers, he slammed my locker shut. "nope" he chuckled. "Then who was she?" I asked. "A person I wanted to make out with" he laughed, he looked at me admiringly and licked his braces (he looked cuter with braces so in this book he has them c:) . "nope nope nope" I say going off to my first class. I know that wouldnt help, I have him for my classes. I walked in my first class, science. My teacher seated me at the back, No one was there. I sighed. The next minute the doors busted open. "Mr.Sartorius you're late!" yelled the teacher. It was Jacob, he was some peachy lipstick on his lips. He wiped his lips. "sorry I had an appointment" he chuckled. "Ugh I cant even deal with yo right now just go to your assigned seat" says the teacher. He rolled his eyes and they landed on me. He walked up to me. Please dont tell me he's my science partner.  He sat in the seat next to me. "Hi science partner" he smirked. I looked around and everyone was seated boy girl. I sighed. Whatever, it cant get any worse than it already is. I was taking notes but I can just feel him constantly starring at me, I looked at him and he was on his phone but he was looking at me. "What" I say. "nothing you're just really pretty" he says. I smiled, I know I shouldnt, he's just gonna play me, but its working, ughhhh his hazel eyes are just.... "wow" I say. "What" he smirked. "uh nothing" I say shoving my face into my text book. "mkay cutie" he says. I blushed. "Can I please go to restroom?" I asked. The teacher nodded. I ran out of the class. "no no no" I say. I got out of the restroom and the bell rang, I went back to the classroom and Jacob was still there, he had papers in his hand. "here" he says shoving them to my chest and slightly touching me there. "whats this" I asked. "We're partners we study at your house" he says walking away. "w-what" I whispered, he turned around winked and continued to walk. Well I continued my day with him because he's literally in every class I have. I went home and I changed. I was on my phone, no one was home so I relaxed. I heard the doorbell ring, must be my mom. I went downstairs and I stopped. Wait my mom has a key to the house why would she need to ring the bell... I opened the door and It was Jacob. "oh yeah" I say. He shrugged. "come on, the things are in my room" I sighed. He shrugged and smiled. I went upstairs and I started to actually study while Jacob was texting his side hoes. Our project was based on the solar system. He grabbed my book and put it down. "How about we actually have some fun" groaned Jacob. "We can paint the Styrofoam!" I say nervously. "yeah no... see I have a different a different definition for "Fun" besides painting" he says. "Oh yeah? and whats your definition" I say writing down our final copy. "mmm... this" he says, "what" I say looking up. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me, what.... the... fuck...           Authors note: My first chapter oh my glazed doughnuts! I hope you guys enjoyed it, please comment and vote and check out Brookes books! Hey that rhymed! What do you guys think so far??? Please comment and vote for a cookie c; ~Emily🌺

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