Chapter 20- "K"

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Jacobs POV
I woke up the next morning, not too concerned about last night. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed a white tee shirt, I put it on. I looked in the mirror wondering how much I'd have to deal with today, honestly I don't wanna go to school, I prefer to just be in my Calvin Klein sandals and some joggers. But hey, school, Emma, 2 days left, great.
School. I looked around and wondered what I should do, should I go with my friends, or should I just go home, then again, I didn't drive here for nothing. I walked to my locker and as I opened it I saw a picture of Emma and I. My heart melted. I miss her so much, it hurts. I remembered Emma's locker was 4 away from mine. I waited until I saw her. My heart skipped a beat, my eyes, I couldn't take them off her. she was everything to me, she still is, but I don't know what I am to her.

Emma's POV
Him. I don't know what I am to him. I bet you he's trying his hardest to get over me, well guess what, I am too. Walking down the hall way I saw Jacob staring at me with a face of deep pain. He's hurt. I ignored it and continued to go through my locker. "Heyyy Emmaaa, so tonight at 8?" Asked Joey. "Yea-" I heard a locker slam. I turned around and Jacob slammed him locker in anger and walked away furiously.

first he's hurt now he's mad?

"Yeah tonight at 8, don't forget your text books" I say. "will do" he says walking away.
"Okay class can anyone solve the solution for x" says the teacher, he continued talking and I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Blake. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey, sorry to ask but can I borrow a pencil?" Asked Blake. "Sure" I say handing him one. He smiled and I smiled back. "Emma! Since you're so distracted why don't you solve X?" Asked my teacher.


I looked at the equation. "67" I say.
"Correct, get your head out of the clouds, education comes first" he says. I slowly rolled my eyes. I looked at Jacob, he looked hurt, he had his hoodie on, which he never really has on, he's wearing sweatpants, which he normally never wears to school, and he's wearing sandals.

Okay so maybe something might be wrong.

But I mean, what can I do? Nothing.

Jacobs POV
I haven't been active in social media, my fans are starting to wonder what's wrong with me, Emma's fans are also concerned about our relationship, we haven't broke it off to the internet yet, we're not together anymore.

Although I wish we were.

"Jacob stop" she giggled as I continued  to tickle her gently. "Oh come on, you love when I tickle you" I smiled. She laughed and smiled

I remember that, she was hardly ever down around me, when I tickled her it would always bring out her inner joy and her laugh was just music to me.

I put my hands around her waist and pulled her closer, my lips brushed against hers, soon enough I crashed mines onto hers.

I remember that too, kissing her was just amazing.

"I think we're better off apart" she cried as she ran off.

Tears fell down my face,  "Mr.Sartorius are you alright?" Asked the teacher out loud, the entire class looked at me besides Emma, I grabbed my backpack and walked out, the teacher didn't stop me, he just let me.

Emma's POV
I'd trade it all to be with him again, we only have a month left. "Emma, I just wanted to say that whatever happens to you, know that I'll be there for you mentally and call me when you need me, we'll have long talks if we need to" says Blake. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked at me.

"What?" I asked. "I leave for PCU tomorrow, the kids at Northridge leave in 2 days, aka, Jacob" says Blake, my heart sank. He's leaving, he told me he'd leave in a month, but 2 days? That's not enough! "You're kidding?" I say. "No Emma" sighed Blake. I felt tears running down my cheeks, I don't have enough time, I can't tell him, 48 hours of complete bullshit, great.
I went home and dropped my bags on the floor. "What's wrong honey?" Asked my mom as she put down the T.V remote. "It's nothing" I sighed. "Well if you want you can go help Hunter, he's upstairs packing up for college" says my mom wiping off her tear. "dinner will be ready in an hour" she says. I nodded. I went upstairs and knocked on Hunters door. "Yeah?" He responds. "Want any help?" I asked. "Uh no, I'm done I just need to zip it up" he says in a calm tone. "Okay" I sighed.


A text. I sighed, Joey was coming over, must be him. I looked at my text and he was outside. "Come in" I say. He walked inside. "Hello Jospeh!" Says my mom as she walked out of the kitchen. "You know him?" I asked in confusion. "Our moms are friends" says Joey. "Of course! Sharon and I are friends from way back! You two are so cute together!" Sighed my mom. "Not like that Jacob kid" she mumbled as she walked away. She never told me that she didn't like him.

"Em I don't get this" he says in frustration. "But it's so easy all you gotta do is carry the X onto 64!" I say. "k" he says sliding the text books aside. Oh great like I haven't been in this conflict before. "How about we just have fun" he smirks "no thanks" I say getting up. He grabbed me and I landed on his lap. "Oh come on" he says. "Joey I think you should go home now" I say. He rolled his eyes and let me go. "Whatever" he says. He grabbed his books and phone. I went to my dresser to get my pencil and when I turned around,

Before you knew it,

He was right there,

And he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. "You thought I'd give up that easily?" He says brushing his lips against mine, he's seductive, but not enough for me, or at least that's what I think. "Just admit it, you wanna kiss me." He says. Maybe he's right, maybe I do wanna kiss him, maybe I don't. "Nope" I smiled. He crashed his lips onto mine..
Authors note: wellll... new writing style how ya like it? A friend showed me🙊 hope you guys liked this chapter I think there's only one left! Thennn.... BOOK 2! Book 2 is gonna come out! So get ready for a whole new and drastic change! |~Emily🌺

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