Chapter 12- Tipsy as fuck

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Jacobs POV
After I spent some time with Emma I told her I was gonna go hang out with my friends and she was cool with it, she was gonna go watch movies with her friends anyways. I went home and I changed into something casual, I heard my door bell ring. I grabbed my phone, money, and keys and headed downstairs. "Heyyy Sartorius, ready?" Asked Blake. "Yeah" I say. I went inside a Lamborghini and they drove to a club. "Aren't we underaged?" I asked. "Fake Ids made by me" says Cameron, he handed me mine, huh, they looked real. "Let's go have funnnn" laughed Joey. We managed to get inside and it was cool, there were so many girls and guys, some girls looked a lot my age. "Here Jacob have a drink" suggest Joey. "Uh no thanks" I say. "Come on! You didn't go out for nothing! Just have one come on!" Insisted Joey. "Fine" I say. I took the drink from him and I drank it, it tasted good, but it made me feel a little funny. "What's in here?" I asked. "I don't know the bartender made it" shrugged Joey. "Want another one?" He grinned. "Uh, sure" I say. I looked around and I saw Geo already making out with a couple chicks, he just got here? Blake was drinking and talking with Cameron and Bryce. Joey came back with my drank and I chugged it down my throat.  By now I had like 7 of those drinks and I'm feeling tipsy as fuck. I looked around, Joey looked perfectly fine, he was taking pictures for some reason. I tried to walk around and I bumped into someone. She was gorgeous as hell, "hey baby" I slurred. "Hey" she giggled. "What brings you here Toni-" she crashed her lips on mine and I didn't hesitate, I kissed her back. Why doesn't this feel right? I felt a flash go off, but I assumed it was nothing.
Joeys POV
It worked! I got a picture of Jacob and a girl. I looked at the photo and looked back up, moments later Jacob was surrounded by girls kissing them all one at a time, "this is great" I laughed. "We should help him he has a girlfriend" says Cameron. "Yeah, I wouldn't want Emma to get hurt again" sighed Blake. "I thought you hated her?" I asked. "I don't hate her, I just don't know how to act towards her after I cheated on her, I was wrong, I don't want Jacob doing the same" says Blake. "Relax, they're not gonna even be together after tonight" I smirked taking pictures. I felt someone snatch my phone. "I don't think so" says Cameron. "What why?!" I say. "Because you're only gonna fuck her and leave, Jacobs not gonna do that, he's gonna take care of her, I know how he is, now me being a true friend! I'll help him out of the mess you got him into, drive yourself home, my money, my cars" spat Cameron. He and Blake went to go help Jacob while Bryce stayed with me. "Your luck" laughed Bryce. "Shut up you also thought she was hot" I mumbled. I watched them as they pulled Jacob apart from all the girls he was kissing. "Snap out of it! You have a girl already!" They repeated. They dragged him outside and Bryce went to go follow, meanwhile I'm stuck here and I need to call an uber, but just wait, just because he was pulled apart from his cravings doesn't mean that when he's not drunk he won't do it.....
Blakes POV
I don't think we can trust Joey anymore, We got Jacob to the back seat of the car while Cameron drove Jacob home. We took him inside and I placed an ice pack over his head, he then fainted. "You know what drink Joey gave him?" I asked Cameron. He shrugged his shoulders. "He drugged his drink" says Bryce. "I saw him do it, I just didn't say anything because I thought it was for some girl he'd try to hook up with" mumbled Bryce. "So he was on drugs? That explains a lot actually, 7 small drinks can't make you Like that, drugs can" I say. "True" says Cameron. Jacob began to wake up. "What happened" he groaned. "You were drunk" says Bryce. "That explains a lot!!!" Says Jacob getting up and running to the restroom. "Gross" I shivered. An hour later he came back out with freshly washed hair and a fresh pair of clothes, they were pajamas. "thanks guys, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow?" Says Jacob. "Yeah, bye" we all say. "Wait! Tell Emma I said I'm sorry for everything please" I say. He sighed and nodded. "Thank you" I say. Cameron drove me home.
Jacobs POV
Ever since tonight I've had such strong cravings, not food, but I've had a huge craving for kisses, I wanna kiss Maci.... no! No! I have Emma! Ooooh I remembered how soft Allisons lips wer- stop it!!!! Emma is your one and only Jacob stop it!!! I called Emma and she came over. "What happened" she asked. "I can't sleep" I sighed. "What do you need?" She asked softly. "This" I say crashing my lips onto hers. We were kissing for a good solid hour and I guess that cured me, I think. She ended up sleeping over but it was okay because she brought a pair of clothes over. We woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I had a major headache from last night. I went to the medicine cabin and took some Advil and then I drank a sprite, it usually helps me. Emma was ready for school. We began to walk to school and half way there it was silent. "So what did you guys do last night?" Asked Emma. "We went to an arcade and Joey decided to go to a bar but I didn't want to do they took me home" I lied. "Oh, well my friends and I just watched movies and stuff" she says softly. "Come on" I say turning my back on her. "What?" She asked. "Hop on" I smiled. She started to giggle and she got on my back. I gave her a piggy back ride all the way to school and when we were on school grounds a lot of girls I never thought were attractive were looking a wholleeee lot hotter than they were. We made it to first hour and first hour really bored me. From the corner of my eye I saw Allison leave her class. I raised my hand. "Yes Mr.Sartorius?" Asked our teacher. "Can I go to the restroom?" I asked. "One at a time go ahead" he says. I went out and caught Allison at her locker. "Oh looky looky! It's ex fuck boy Sartorius" teased Allison. "Ex fuck boy?" I asked leaning against her locker. She sighed. "Your lips were the best" she giggled. "Your lips were delicious" I grinned. She smiled and before you knew it, our lips were crashed together kissing each other violently. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Yelled a familiar voice. Our lips separated. I didn't wanna turn....
Authors note: ooooooohhhhhhh who was that???? Comment!!! 6+ votes for the next chapter! So what if Joey was right? Even if Jacob wasn't hung over, he'd still go back to his fuck boy ways😉 is it permanent or is Jacob going to realize Emma's the only one for him? Or is he gonna dump her..... FIND OUT NEXT CHAPTER MWHAHAHHAHA |~Emily🌺

Were you always a fuckboy? -J.S (Jacob Sartorius Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now