Beat 8

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Jax's POV

I already hated Rittertown before I even set foot there, and apart from obvious reasons, I was justified. The place was hot and humid. It felt like I was in a boiler room as I walked home from school. Janice's place was only a couple of blocks away but it felt like I had walked through hell for kilometers. It didn't help that I was wearing my sweater, complete with a hoodie. I had always worn a sweater at Longstate view but I didn't boil as I was boiling at that moment.

Wearing a sweater with the hoodie over my hair was my effort to not attract attention. I also walked with my eyes facing the ground. I needed to be as inconspicuous as possible. The state of my wellbeing required that.

I walked fast. I had bolted out of the school grounds to avoid many students making their way home. I managed to avoid everyone, except one car passing me. I'd gone most of my walk just looking at the ground, but suddenly looked up. I didn't know why I did it, I just did.

I spotted Orlando in the car that had just passed by me. He looked behind him. Our eyes seemed to have met but I couldn't be sure. The car he was in was moving fast.

Nothing else interesting happened until I got to Janice's place, my new home. I opened the door slowly. I knew Digger was home and I didn't want to interrupt him, causing him to talk to me. The door, as if spiting me creaked as I opened it.

I was greeted by giggling. It didn't quite sound like Janice. She always seemed to be hyperventilating.

"School's out. Mom is expecting me. Let me go", I heard a voice. I had only to walk a few centimeters inside the house to see the source. It was the girl from the previous day.

She was on the couch with Digger, who was trying to kiss her. She was squirming.

"Few minutes", Digger said.

"You said that almost 15 minutes ago", the girl said.

"Um...hi", I said to them and turned towards my room before they said anything. I opened, walked in and shut the door when I got there.

The girl seemed to have gotten away from Digger because she said, "I'm leaving for real now. Don't miss me too much and pay attention to Janice". I heard the door creak and then shut loudly.

I put my bag on the floor and jumped on the bed. I instantly missed my computer back home. Usually I stayed on the internet until I got hungry, and then I returned to it. It was a great way to pass time without interacting with people.

Someone knocked on my door. I knew it was Digger. I stayed quiet, closed my eyes and curled like a ball on the bed. If he thought I was asleep he would leave.

He knocked again.

I was stupid. He knew I was ignoring him. I'd literally walked into the room a few minutes ago. It wasn't enough time to fall asleep unless I had some sort of sleeping sickness.

"Come in", I said quietly.

I couldn't ignore him with him knowing that I was ignoring him. That would only make him more interested in me.

The door opened just as I opened my eyes. At least he had waited for me to welcome him into the room.

"Hey buddy, how was your first day?"


"Okay", I said quietly, sitting up.

"Made friends? I know at your age it's important to make friends", he said walking into the room and closing the door firmly behind him. My breath got caught in my throat.

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