Chapter 1. Footballs and Feathers

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Piper's P.O.V

Oh, how much I hated this. I had just felt like I finally somewhat settled into to my home, when of course my dad has to ruin it all. And all that for a woman he will leave anyways. Ive had it at least a million times before.

You could say I'm the pro at dropping everything and starting new. Only the problem is, that im not. It takes me long enough to get used to my surroundings, and all this moving really isnt helping.

It feels like every second day my dad tells me he found "the one". And then the next day I find out that it "didn't work out".

To be honest, I would be fine with it. My mom left us anyways and I don't care about having a mom at the moment. What just really irritates me, is the fact that my dad always is so convinced that the relationship will work out, that he decides to move wherever his new mistress is.

I tried to tell him a million times that it's no use and that he should let it go, but when I see the sparkle in his eyes ,whenever he talks about whoever he is in love with at the moment, I can't help but feel bad for him. After all, he is my dad.

So here I am, walking to yet another unknown school. I decided that for the couple of weeks we will live her, until my dad finds somewhere new to go, I will try to avoid everyone.

Because the thing is, if you dont have anyone you love, you won't miss them. And that exactely was my plan. Not missing anything or anyone for once.

Why does this school have to look so damn inviting? I want it to be a nasty, mean school so I will be happy once I leave. I walk up the stairs and, once more, im not lucky. Instead of avoiding people and not being noticed, almost everyone is looking at me and some people even come up to talk to me. But all I say to them is:"Im sorry. Im in a hurry". And then I just keep walking like nothing happened.
But he truth is, this is really affecting me. I want friends and i want people to know that I can be nice. But i can't let them know, because I dont want anyone to miss me.

Not that they would. I am kind of boring. Im not adventurous. I am not fantastic. And I am definetly not special. So why even give them the chance to know, Piper Mclean.

I was looking back nervously to see if anyone else wanted to talk to me. I wasn't looking were i was going ,and I was going pretty fast. All of a sudden something pulled me back to the living.

Right next to my head there was a football that looked suspiciously arranged to kill me. It didn't exactely hit my head but my white eagle feather that I love to wear flew out of my hair, together with the killing devise.

I didn't bother to scream, because it all happened so fast. I was pretty shocked though, so I fell backwards on the ground, together with the football and my beloved eagle feather. I was too startled to notice someone running up to me. When I finally got my bit of brain back into my head, I saw who was crouching down infront of me.

The first thing I noticed about him were his eyes. They were so blue, I knew immediately his nickname would be Sparky. What am I saying? I wont get to know him so I wont have a nickname for him!

I must say, he has really nice blond hair. And overall he really dosnt look too bad...Get that out of your head righ now Ms. Mclean!

He had a pretty worried luck on his face and when he finally opened his mouth all he said was:" Umm...hi". I almost laughed right there. He almost kills me and my precious eagle feather, and all he has to say to me is hi.

" Im fine. In case you were wondering", I almost chuckle. He immediately turns red. "Oh yeah sorry I just..." He dosnt really come any further because he keeps stuttering and staring at me at the same time. Never seen a girl almost murdered by a football?

Slowely I get up and look over his shoulder really quick, just to make sure there's not gonna be a nother of those murderus footballs just waiting to kill me. Yeah ok...I may have an obsession with killing-footballs...But thats normal,right?

Sparky-i mean the boy, gets up too, and grabs the football and my feather from the ground. He hands me my hair decoration, as my dad likes to call it.

"Im so sorry. I was playing with some guys in the hall and I didn't pay attention and Jason by the way."


Nice Name.

"No it's fine. Im Piper". I really didn't wanna say anything else because otherwise he would maybe figure out something about me. And that's never a good thing if you don't want to be noticed.

"Hi Piper. Im guessing you're new here?",he said while whiping off some dust from the football that I decided to name Dave. Is there something wrong with naming your football?

Yes. Yes indead there is.

"Yeah. I just got here today. I moved her with my dad ". Great job at not telling him anything about you! I mentally roll my eyes at myself.

"Cool", is what he says, still staring at my hair. Then he slaps his forhead. "Ohhh. You're THAT Piper". I look at him pretty confused. "Yeah...whatever that means...",I say. "They told me to show you around school today. Im the captain of the football team. I always get these kind of jobs".

Great. Now I have to spend the rest of my day with him. I could be doing so much greater stuff. Like avoiding people and being lonely! Yeah...I have great hobbys...

"Oh ok cool. about you show me where my homeroom class is. I can't really find it", I stated while putting back in my white feather. He watched my every move. I seriously didn't know if I should be freaked out or just self concious about that. I choose the latter, because in general I am a pretty selfconcious person. Especially about my looks.

"Uh,yeah sure. Let me see your scedule". I got it out of the pocket in my jeans. It was folded neately five times. He studied it pretty carefully before saying:"We have the same homeroom. Just follow me". And with a small smile he started going into the direction the ball came from.

Off to land-were-you-get-almost-killed-by-a-football-and-then-meet-a-really-nice-handsome-guy!

I kinda liked this land.


Will Piper get murdered by any footballs?No

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Will Piper get murdered by any footballs?
Not today.
But tommorow.
I promise.
Just kidding.

Yay! My first chapter is complete!
To be honest, I had no idea what to write about. But once I started, it just came.
Hope you liked it.
I will try to update soon.

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