Chapter 2. The start of something "special"?

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Jasons P.O.V

We were walking down the hallway, all eyes on us. Well, more like all eyes on her! I couldnt blame them...she really was, well special.

When I got the job to take her around school, I was pretty annoyed. But now...I'm happy?

I've never really felt alot for a girl before. Sure, there were nice girls and certainly pretty ones, but other than the girls in my school, I didnt have alot to do with girls.

Except my mom, if that counts. Well, I guess it dosnt really. Shes rarely there. And if she is, shes a drunken mess.

Yes, my mom is an alcoholic...

But I'm used to it.

In school I'm that kid that always knows everyone, has tons of friends, is the football captain and still somehow gets good grades. Yes, yes... you could say im Mr. Perfect...

Not to brag or anything.

The thing most people don't know about me though is, I am actually as helpless as a turkey on thanksgiving...if thats a thing...

When we finally arrived at our homeroom class, I let her in first. I know right? What a gentleman! No, actually im not at all...but something inside of me told me to try to be one around Piper.

So I was walking inside, together with my dear friend Dave. Oh...thats the name of my football by the way. Dont ask...

Piper took a seat in the back so I decided to sit next to her. Only because I had to show her around of course! I think...

While she wasnt looking, I got a chance to look at her choppy brown hair, again. The white feather, that I almost had destroyed, fits in perfectely.

It was hypnotising, but nothing compared to her eyes. I seriously didnt know what color they were, well I couldnt decide. One second I thought they were green, but the other I could swear they were purple.

Just when I thought I could stare at her for the rest of my life, she turned around and looked at me. Embaressed, I looked away and pretended like nothing happened. I could see from the corner of my eye that she was watching me with a curious look.

This "looking at each other process" went on for quite a while, before the teacher came in.

Mr. Blofis, the teacher, is a pretty nice guy, and I feel kind of bad for him.

The whole class always takes advantage of him being so nice. No one really listens to his classes and we always make fun of him. I really do feel sorry for him, I really do.

Its ironic to hear that from me, because usually im the one that messes with him the most... its not like I really want to do it. I know its stupid, but all of my friends excpect me to do it.

The truth about me is, I am hiding behind a mask. A mask that is lying to everyone, including myself. But I fear that this mask could break any second, and reveal my true self. I hide behind my popularity and I panic at the idea to loose it. It is my only escape from reality-from my mom and everything else.

But i guess no one will ever find that out.

The teacher started talking and, as usual, no one really listened. Except for piper. She had her eyes on him and it was like she was memorizing every word he was saying. I was so awestruck by that, i couldnt keep my eyes off of her.

She was the first one I had seen at this school, who really seemed to care. I dont know exactely what that meant though...

Almost no one was listening, but from all the talking, I cought, that we would be paired up to work on our first projects.

Mr. Blofis said, that our partner would be the person sitting next to us.

Fortunately- I mean, out of pure luck, that person sitting next to me was no other than Piper. She didnt look at me once though. I was really confused, because normally anyone would be happy to have me as a partner.

Mr. Blofis ended talking about our projects, but I didnt really listen. All i could think of was, what kind of person she would be. I barely knew her and from all I knew she, was...special. Im not sure if I liked "special" yet.

With a sigh she finally turned around and faced me with those, what I like to call, kaleidoscope eyes.

"So...", she started. "We will have to work on this. Since my house is still packed with cartons, I sugest we go to your place?"

"Yeah, yeah sure!", I said probably acting like a complete fool which, in my opinion, I always did.

"Ok then...lets meet after school at my locker." I nodded my head but  noticed that I had no idea were her locker was. Oh well, I would have to ask her later.

As if on cue, the bell rang. With out saying a nother word she stood up and all she said was: "You coming?" I smiled brightly at her and stood up too.

Maybe this would be a start of somethimg new. Of something special.

And that's when it hit me like I had just gotten shot. In one moment, all of my dreams were crushed.

I had a girlfriend.



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Didnt see that coming did ya?

Well, dont worry, ill clarify everything in the next chapter.

Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

Ill update soon!

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