Chapter 4. Straight in the eyes

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Jasons P.O.V.


I really didnt mean to leave Piper just like that. At least I didnt plan on it.

After our first class, that we had together, I was walking right behind her, when all of a sudden someone grabbed me and dragged me away from the girl with the beautif- umm i mean kaleidoscope eyes. Thats piper, if you havn't figured out yet.

Before I could see who just dragged me away I was locked into a bown-crushing hug, that i knew all too well.


My girlfriend.

I pulled away and looked at her. She hasn't changed a bit. Her hair was still long and black and her smile was as fake as I remembered it to be.

Like I already said before, I'm a fake to, so I'm not the one that should be judging her.

I know that she dosnt really like me. Weve never had a real, deep conversation so she never got a chance to really know me. Especially not my real self.

But no one knows that jason, so why should she...

There is no doubt that she is pretty. All the other popular jocks, that I apparently am friends with, told me that she would be just the right girl for me. Me, the good-looking, sporty, jock that everyone likes. And she seemed to agree, so we soon got together.

Dont get me wrong- I am totally aware that she is just using me for popularity. And i dont even mind it. Shes helps me get away with my fake play of the perfect guy that has a gorgeous girlfriend, so why should I complain? Im not sure if she knows that im also just using her, but even if she knew, I dont think she'd care.

I've never actually felt attrakted to her.

Thats the sad part.

I gave her my best fake smile that I could manage. "Hey Reyna." Yeah I wasn't feeling all too creative today.

Her grin faded a bit and she looks me straight into the eyes. I cringed. Thats always been one of the things I hated when anyone did.

Usually I'd scream at people if they looked me straight in the eyes, but I knew better than to mess with my girlfriend imfront of the whole school. 

No one knows the reason why I hate it so much.

I know.

Every day my mom comes home, drunk as usual, she steps up to me, looks me straight into the eyes.

In that second i can always see a hint of sadness and guiltiness in her own eyes. But that soon fades and she is left with her usual dark, mad eyes that are made to rip up my world.

And thats exactely what they do.

She starts yelling and occasionally throws beer bottles or sometimes even chairs at me. By now I've gotten used to the hurtfull things that she says to me and the hurtful things she does to me.

Back to Reyna.

She stared at me with a look of annoyance and anger. "Didn't I tell you to call me babe or baby? What will the people think?"

I sighed and let out a low groan. "Yeah, yeah ok I'll call you that from now on, babe", I said with a tiny bit of sarcasm in my words.

She dosn't seem to pick it up and continues with her fake grin.

"Ok good jasey-pasey, see you later!". She gives me a small peck on the lips and skips off to class. How can someone be so happy about just a bit of popularity?

Yeah...says the one who's life is dependend on popularity...

So I walked back to pipers direction but then I noticed that we didn't have the same class. I jogged to my classroom and when I walked in, I got tons of smiles and winks. That happened to me a lot since I was really popular.

The class started but I didnt pay attention. At all.

I was daydreaming about...well... something. No need to say what it was.

Finally after what felt like ages, class was over and the teacher dismissed us.

I really wanted to find Piper. And guess what?

I did!

Well, let's just say that I bumped into her again. Literally.

I felt so guilty when I saw her confused and flattered look but she kind of smiled when she saw it was me she bumped into. I smiled back my brightest smile and apologized.

My face turned into a frown when I saw who was with her. My bestfriend Leo Valdez.

It's true that we had this "fight". But it was stupid. I would've never shown or admitted it, but I was...jealous.

Yes, I know what you're thinking. What? The great, popular Jason is jealous of his bestfriend? Why?

To be honest, I have no idea. I just was. But I acted like it was just that stupid fight.

Piper forced us to shake hands so we could be friends again, and we eventually gave in.

I noticed how Leo made her laugh. Alot. More than I even made her smile.

Whatever Jason, she dosnt care for you, so you don't care for her. And don't forget, you have a girlfriend!

I may not really like Reyna but that dosn't mean I would ever cheat on her and I hope that she never gets hurt because of me.

While Piper and Leo were talking about their favourite TV shows, I didn't pay attention. I was really absent.

But Leo pulled me out of my daydream and oh so nicely punched me in the arm.

"Hey!", I exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"To get your attention! Ive been talking to you since the last minute but you were obviously not listening." I rolled my eyes a bit and said:" Sorry, I was thinking about something. What were you saying?".

"I was asking you if you would come to my Party on the weekend." I wanted to hesitate, because I wasn't sure if I had time.

Leo looked at Piper who was looking at the floor. Finally she looked up at him and nodded her head slowely."Pipers coming! So, what about you?", Leo exclaimed raising an eyebrow.

I responded quickly:" Uh yeah sure!"

Dont know were that came from...

"Knew you couldnt resist me!",he said winking at me. I saw this sparkle in his eyes and he took a quick glance to Piper and then back to me. I knew that look.

He wasn't talking about himself. He knew that I couldn't resist her.

Oh boy. He was right.


Are you guys just as curious as me to find out what will happen next?

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Are you guys just as curious as me to find out what will happen next?

Im pretty sure youre not because I'm actually writing the story so I should know what will happen next...

Ok, that didn't make sence.

Anyways, Thanks for reading!

I will update soon!

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