Chapter 5. That weirdo, Puper

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Pipers P.O.V.

So the day went on.

Hey! The weathers nice and uhh people. Yeah...there are people here. They umm talk and stuff- OK STOP IT PIPER!

I tried really hard to ignore the glances Jason was giving me. As you see, I attempted to distract myself. I failed.

I just couldnt help it. Those sky-blue eyes burning into my sides - that rhymed. No it didnt piper, youre just trynna be poetic. Will you shut up brain!

Even if I looked back at him he didnt seem to get the message.

Of course, Leo was blabbering about something while we were walking to our last class, and he didnt seem to notice Jasons stares. Or so i thought.

My last class was History and it was once again just me and leo. No jason. For some reason I was relieved.

When the latino boy and I were in our classroom he immediately stopped talking about hot air balloons and turned to me before I could sit down.

I just stared at him confused. "What?", was the smartest thing that came to my mind in that moment. I didnt understand why he immediately stoped talking as soon as we were alone.

Leos expression slowely turned into a smirk. He looked me up and down as if to test if I would be the right mashine for a really important project. It made me pretty self concious. Its funny, because when jason was staring at me, I didnt feel that. I felt slighly warm and utterly confused. But now I was just a bit weirded out.

"What?", i repeated. He kept smirking at me and I just gave him an annoyed glare.

"I think youre the right one.", he stated bluntly.

"Uhhh for what?". He rolled his eyes but kept his mischevious grin and the shine in his eyes.

"For him"

Oh no. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

"For who?", I played dumb.

"For the goblin that lives next door. He really wants a girlfriend."

I waited.

And waited.

Until he cracked up and started laughing. "You should have seen your face.",he said between chuckles.

I glared at him, shoved passed him and took my seat im the middle row. Without hesitation Leo sat next to me. He was still whiping away some tears but soon turned serious again and said:" Im actually serious Piper. He needs help. He needs your help. Hes a lost boy and he thinks no one notices. But i do. I watch him every day put on this act of a perfect guy but i see that hes so broken inside". Leo looked down."I know I wont be able to help him. But he needs someone...real. I saw the way he looked at you Piper and I know you saw it too". He looked at me again with a sad, desperate and pleading expression." Please. He needs you."

Leo didnt mention his name once, but I knew he was talking about the boy with sky-blue eyes. The boy that could have killed me with his football Dave. The boy that i had just met. Jason.

I looked at Leo in disbelieve. I waited for him to crack up again and tell me how funny my face looked. But somehow, I knew he wasnt joking. The whole speech he just did, seemed so real and I believed every bit of it. I dont know why.

I slowely looked away from Leo and suddenly my shoes were the most interesting thing in the room. I wanted him to be kidding so bad.

I mean, how would I be any help for Jason. How could I possibly help him. How could I make him break his fake act and bring out the real Jason. I didnt even know him for 24 hours yet, neither did I Leo. What if I couldnt trust them? What if it was all just a big trick and I would be humiliated at the end?

The thing was, I wanted to help him. I wanted to be his knight in shining armor. Ok, that was a weird way to put it. I just wanted to help for once. Not hurt.

Then, I was reminded by that stupid part of my brain that I call stupid-part-of-my-brain, that I would hurt him. In the end, I couldnt do anything but hurt him. I would move away again and he would be heart-broken.

And then I was reminded by the even more annoying part of my brain that i call stupider-part-of-my-brain, that he wouldnt be heart-broken. He wouldnt even remember me.

In two years somone would say:"Hey, you remember that weirdo, Puper?" And Jason would say:" Oh yeah, wasnt that the name of our class pet?" "Yeah, I remember. He used to poo in everyones hair". "Yeah man, what a weirdo."

I was taken out of my thoughts when Leo gently touched my shoulder. "Piper?", he asked a bit concerned. I was suprised he wasnt calling me Puper yet.

I looked back at him and sighed. "I cant", was all I said.

I thought he would protest or try to convince me, but he just nodded his head and looked down. "Guess I'll have to find someone else to get him away from that stupid girlfriend of his", he said a bit quieter but so I could still hear it.

Yeah he'll find someone better to get him away from that stupid girlfrie-

Wait, what?

Jason has a girlfriend? Oh yippie for him! Wow, my life just got so much better! What a great first day of school. I find a guy thats really cute-okay let me refrase that. A guy thats really uhh, nice and I find out he has a girlfriend. A gorgeous one probaby too! Oh, im filled with joy!

Just kidding im internally dying here!

"A g-girlfriend?", I ask Leo still a bit shocked.

He dosnt look at me but i can see his slight smirk. Hes trying to trick me, that bastard!

"Yeah. A really fake Barbie. I know he dosnt like her. Hes just together with her to please his popular friends and keep up his act. She probably dosnt like him either! Only doing it for the fame. Sad, huh? Now, i dont know if he knows or not, but someone has to make it clear to him that hes doing the wrong thing, all of this is wrong. And i think you, Piper, are just the right person for that", he said finally looking at me.

"Deal", i said, before i could stop myself.


Oh man, what has she gotten herself into?

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Oh man, what has she gotten herself into?

*Sighs and shakes head at her dumbness and then notices that shes the author*

*Cough cough*


Hope you liked the chapter eventhough i didnt update in at least 100 thousand years.

Thanks for reading!

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