Chapter 3. Real mature

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Pipers P.O.V.

I wanted to turn around to tell Jason something, when I noticed that he was nowhere to be seen.

I was kind of sad and also dissapointed because he seemed like a nice guy and plus, he had to show me around.

I shrugged it off and tried to find my way to my next class. After bumping into walls at least a million times, because I was so focused of my scedule, I somehow found my room.

As always I sat in the very back praying that no one would take the seat next to me. Of course I couldn't get lucky, and a guy with curly brown hair sat right next to me and smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back because I didn't really know what he wanted.

"Hi. I'm Leo Valdez" he smiles and held out his hand for me to shake. I was a bit confused, because normally people don't just come up to me and introduce themselves. But i wanted to be polite, and so I shook his hand and gave him the best smile I could come up with.

"Hey. I'm Piper"

"Nice name! You're new here, right?", he asked me while scanning my face. It seemed like he wanted to know everything about me. And I guess he thought if he looks deep enough into my eyes he'll find it out. Ha! Good try, buddy!

"Yeah I am. I just came here today."

To be honest, I didn't really feel like talking . Leo seemed nice but I just wasn't in the mood of having a conversation. And plus, I still had this plan to go unnoticed throughout the whole school year. Not going really well Piper...

In an atempt to end the conversation, I got out my notebook and started drawing. Somehow drawing's always been one of my favourite things to do. It just gave me some peace. I didn't even notice what I was drawing until Leo spoke up.

"Who's eyes are that?", he asked me with a small smile plastered on his face and his brown eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I blushes scarlet when I noticed that I was drawing sparky- I mean Jason's eyes. I didn't even notice!

"Ummm no ones. I just umm have a thing for blue eyes i guess", I stuttered, trying to find a good excuse.

"Aha", he said. But I could tell he wasn't believing me.

"You can draw really well though", he said with the same smile that he had on his face since he started talking to me.

"Uh thanks", I half whispered. I really wasn't used to this kind of attention. And I wasn't sure if I liked it yet.

I quickly turned the page in my Notebook and continued the drawing of a small girl dancing ballet, that I started a couple of days before.

I think he senced that I didn't wanna talk right now so he shut up and just watch me draw. I was really grateful that he understood me like that. I gave him a quick smile and turned back to my drawing .

Maybe we could even become frien-shut up Piper.

You know you can't have friends. And what made you think that he wanted to be your friend anyways? Well he was being nice! Probably just faking it though... ugh.

I sighed as my thoughts took over my actions and I started becoming really sad again.

I guess it was obvious because Leo put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. Are you ok?"

I felt tears welming up in my eyes. He was so nice. And I would have to leave him anyways. But, as usual, I didn't let my tears escape. I just swallowed them down and nodded my head. Like always.

"Yeah...just a bit...tired"

He nodded as if to say he understood. Than he nervously scratched the back of his neck and said: "Umm...I'm having this party on the weekend. And it would be really cool if you could come."

I flinched as I heard the word "Party". I was kind of afraid of them. I always got pretty anxious.

I knew I wouldn't come because A) No need for people getting to know me better and B) I would probably just be really weird. But I didnt wanna tell him that.

So I tried to be polite and said:" I'll think about it." I added a small smile to show that I was grateful.

He smiled back and said:" Cool."

The class was over pretty fast and I was about to walk out of the classroom, when Leo called my name and said: "Wait. I can take you to your next class."

I wasnt convinced, but finally agreed.

We were walking down the hallway when I bumped into someone. Again.

And guess who it was ?

Santa Claus!

Just kidding. It was Jason.

But this time I didn't fall on my butt, because Leo caught me.

When I was standing again Jason said:" Im so sorry Piper I keep almost hurting you!", he said with a pretty worried tone. I shook it off as to say that it was fine.

Jason opened his mouth to say something but then his gaze turned to Leo who was frowning-no, glaring at him.

"So. You guys met already?"he said in a really annoyed tone.

I raised an eyebrow" Yeah we did this morning. "I looked over to jason to see that he was glaring at Leo as well and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Umm...I'm guessing you guys arn't on that good terms?" I wanted to say that I thought they were death enemys because, that's what it looked like. But I think they wouldve found that weird.

"No." Leo said. I was pretty suprised by that. But what jason said suprised me even more.

"Were best friends." He said still glaring at his apparently best friend.

"Uh...and then why are you staring at each other like you would like to kill each other?"

Jason look turned away from Leo and he looked at me." Isn't it obvious? He stole my last package of Lucky Charms."

"Not true" Leo said.

"Yes true"

"Not true"

"Yes true"

I rolled my eyes and mentally face palmed.

Reaaal mature.



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Lucky Charms can seriously destroy a friendship...

But dont worry. Jason and Leo will be fine.

Im really sorry I didn't update for so long!

I was just so busy lately and I felt really guilty.

Thanks for reading tho!

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