In the castle

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(Robin P.OV.)

When we arrived at the castle, I cringed when I seen light coming from my fathers study. Maria trembled when she spotted the light, I looked down at her, and tapped her on her head. She slowly looked up at me, her eyes were filled to the brim with fear. I put my finger over her lip's, in a "hush motion." Before I really thought, I picked her up, and tried to walk past the study, in a hurried attempt to get past with out my father knowing, no cigar, he stepped out in front of me. CRAP!

(Maria P.O.V.)

I was in Robin's arm's, I seen a big shadow, and then seen his father. My heart started beating, and I was on the edge of tears. His father's face was of pure rage and hatred, "Now, Miss Merriweather, did, you, learn, nothing, from the last time you disrespected me?" I was being put back on the ground, I was standing on my feet when, "SLAP!" My back hit the wall, my cheek stung. I looked through the tears that were clouding my vision, I pushed off the wall, regained my balance, then, I felt the worst pain ever. I went flat out on my back, gasping for air, he punched me in the stomach, "You get up, you get worse." It was a warning I obeyed. I curled up, my stomach was killing me, I watched his heavy black boots as he walked off. A few seconds later, I felt Robins hands slip under me, and pick me up off the ground, I wanted to ask him where he was, when I got hit, but talking was not my best option right now. So I let him carry me wherever. It seemed to be a bit more safer with him anyways.

He walked up some stairs, and then opened a door with his foot. He laid me on his bed, and sat down beside me, "I should of done something, I am an awful person, for just standing there." I wanted to tell him how right he was, but I didn't even want to talk, but I did anyways, "Robin, no." I pondered my brain and thought of why didn't I just agree with him, "maybe it's because you like him" It was the thought of a stupid person, "no, why would I take his side, it might be because he's the nicest person in this castle, and I trust him more, ugh, I quit, stupid imagination." I took a deep breath, and said, "it's ok, you can't do anything with your father, he's his own type of devil, you would probably be hurt way worse than me, it's ok, I can take it."

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