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Author's Notes: Hi everyone, this is my first time to write a fan fiction and somehow resulting in English! XD Hope you will like it~ ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

This is not the first time I've been getting up late in the morning. The light coming through the window lighting up the bedroom, the faint GreenYellow paint on the wall reflected a gentle light touch on my face drive me back from the dizziness to the reality. I rub my eyes with my hand gently and sit up from my bed, oh I must fell to my pillow again! I can feel my blood suddenly topple over from my head to my body, what is that word again? Giddy....

After a minute of adjusting, I got up from my bed and try to find a loose T-Shirt from my wardrobe also attempt to find an appropriate short to wear. I don't really like those formal cloth like others did, in fact I'm the casual one. Yes, I like to be different no matter what other people said or look at me. Those guys are in their world, I'm in mine, nice and simple. But I thought that is why I don't have any friend instead, I couldn't blame them, this is not their fault, obviously it was mine....

I glance at the clock on the wall, a clock that have no number on it, instead of the old faction like it has twelve sky blue plastic strips radiate from the center with two white metal pointers placed on it represent the hour and minute hands. 'Oh, really? I spent 10 minute to dress up?' I sighed and ready to open the door, as soon as I did it the hot air just bumped in right on my face, sweat beat formed from my forehead and drooped on the floor and of course, I close the door quickly and jump on my bed starting to rolling again. These days just can't chill up are they?

Eventually my mom caught me up from the bed a bit more later as she always did when she heard the door shut without the footstep from the up stare when she is cooking breakfast down stare. She saw me lie face down on the bed like a starfish enjoy the coolness on its "lovely soft reefs" and chuckled little bit. She ruffled my hair and started to walk out from my bedroom, she gives me a breakfast-is-ready smile as usual and closed the door behind her. I can hear footstep going down stair, I sighed again and got up from the bed once again, prepared myself to receive the hot air from outside.

The weather is not that bad after all, after few minute adjusting the temperature change from my room and outside of the world I can finally got relieved, I wasn't really the type for the hot temperature. I saw my mom placing the plate on the table preparing when I going downstairs. I walk into the kitchen noticing the wok on the cook stove and carry it on the table, my mom noticed my appearance and give me a thankful smile and turn to work on other stuff let me finish the remaining preparation for the breakfast. I pull the fridge door open and grab the soya bean milk we brought yesterday with two chopstick for my parents and a spoon for myself in the kitchen cupboard. I still don't understand what the point made my parents think use chopstick to eat fried rice is a convenient way instead of using spoon, spoon is a lots faster and efficient to deal with things like rice, I think it's their wont to use chopstick or they want me to inherit the custom that built in our blood, our culture. Ugh! Parents always did the same! What even more ironic is when they complain to their parents stop chattering "To inherit culture" stuff to themselves and now they doing it to their children again...

I heard a heavy footstep from upstairs when I finished all the stuff we need for the breakfast, I immediately noticed the frown on my father's face. He gives me a you-know-what-is-wrong look and continue walking towards me. I sighed and exchanged my spoon to a pair of chopstick and sat back to the table, after these year we already knew each other very well, the cooperation already reach a tacit understanding between each other without a single word in most of the time. This is also what nature had given us, the ability of knowing and understanding.

I glance at my father once we got ready and staring to have our meal, he use his chopstick like it is one part of his body, so affluent and experienced compare to mine. I can handle my chopstick easily but not as my parents did, at least I tried. There is silence around the atmosphere as usual, we don't usually talk around the table in the morning, one is that we don't have the enough strength to do such a thing when we woke up and another one is to showing the etiquette to each other as you respect each other.

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