Getting to knowing Sonic, Shadow and You (Part 3)

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"还要再来一碗吗?(Wanna one more?)" My mom asked the beige raccoon while smiled gently, feeling so flattered by the appetite the beige raccoon has for her dishes.

"嗯,谢谢~(En, thank you~)" The beige raccoon smiled happily to my mother, he really likes the Chinese dishes.

I looked at the beige raccoon with concern, he just eating too fast... Thankfully, this time is noodles, not rice~

We didn't do much of things in the afternoon as my big brother planning to do, the sun just too bright out there and it was hot, more broiling than yesterday consider the weather in the time should be. So, instead of going outside we just stay in the house preparing the ingredients for the dinner my mom asks us to on the phone that she had called me later on. My big brother was excited about the dinner and of course, he offered himself to help me with it. I was happy that my big brother wanted to help me, ugh... help himself as well... My mom really appreciates it and dinner was finished very soon after my parents came back from work.

"额... 吃慢点呐(Ugh... just eat slowly please...)" I rolled my eyes give the beige raccoon who is sinking into his 'utopia' world a lightly nudge, wondering if he could 'choked' by the noodle as well... 'What an Halaguloi person am I~ ( *`ω')'.

"好好好~(Ok,ok ok~)" My big brother surrendered to me and keep eat his noodle but in a slower pace, indulge me as always. Yet, the first time he actually listened to my trivial chatters when he is enjoying his delicious meal my mom made for us.

Like yesterday, dinner was going very well. We helped my mother to clean up the table and went upstairs prepare to take the shower, the eldest first of course. I sat on my bed cross-legged leaning against the headboard, feeling satisfied for the first day of the summer break. We have received the notification about the exact date and place the party will be from our likeable class monitor, he told us that we will meet at the front gate of the school six days later at 10:00-10:30 in the morning without any delay or we will be graduate without the diploma with an evil smirk emoji at the end. Yeah, everything is going well and I actually got little excited from it since Ethan has shown me more about Sonic and Shadow in the afternoon, I feel like I am getting closer to the circle of peer's world, even just a little bit of it~

"Ok it's your term my little~" I heard a familiar voice coming from the doorway drove me back to the reality. The beige raccoon stood nearby the doorway has worn his coffee bathrobes with the bath towel draped over his shoulders, watched at me relaxedly while drying his hair with the towel. I got off from the bed grabbing my towel from the back of the chair and walking toward the bathroom, greet with a high five to my big brother as the relay before I walk out my bedroom.

I turn on the light and close the door behind me, put a gentle smile while watching the light goldenrod yellow figure in the mirror, the affable golden crystal eye blinked few times in front of me. "Ok~" I take a deep breath and breath out, taking my clothes and the hair rope off. I glanced at the mirror to see the light goldenrod yellow figure for the last time and ready to take my spherical agarwood amulet off, the spherical agarwood feels so warm when I touched it, 'Well, it makes sense owing to the fact that I put it under my cloth close to my body during in the afternoon.' I grabbed the spherical agarwood and taking it off. Out of nowhere, a faint sense of loss get into my body like something was pulling part of me away, I didn't mind because I use to get tired before I take the shower. Like a normal person would do, I quickly step into the shower and letting the streams of warm pressurized water washed away the tiredness of the day.

'Like I said, just too tired~' I turned off the water and stepped out the shower, drying myself with my towel. The long light goldenrod yellow hair scattered around, ruffled by the white towel. I shook my head moderately trying to straighten out my hair roughly and combing it with my hand after I wear my clothes on. I looked at the figure in the mirror and lifted up my hair which is pressed under against by my T-shirt, looked to one side and other side sizing up myself. I put the hair rope into my pocket and wearing the amulet around my neck, feeling reunited, like I'm little more vital right now.

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