The amulet

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"Ah! Don't yelling like that!" The beige raccoon muttered, "You are killing my ears!" He said on the other side.

"Oh... Sorry... Wait, What do you mean by THAT?!" I might be looked very stoned at the moment, 'WHAT IN THE NAME ON EARTH DID YOU SAY??!!!!!'

"Wo Oh Wo! Cool-down my little," I'd hear some muffled rumble coming far from the other side, then I heard some door shut.

"Wait, where are you-" I was cut off by him sniggered at me faintly on the other side.

"Heh heh, could you open the door for me my little Jerry?" He hanged up the phone after that and I heard the door bell ringing downstair.

I frowned and throwing that stupid idea off my head, he couldn't be the one who press the door bell right? I started to walk downstairs, that feelings grows stronger as I went near towards the door, I arranged my hair and taking a deep breath then bending the door handle to open the door. I give a sigh of relief to the two cyan adult standing in front of me, their aquamarine eyes tacked on my golden crystal eyes and smiled at me, it's my mom and dad.

"欢迎回家~(Welcome to home~)" I smiled happily to them, they looked at each other and looked towards me again, why there is a smirk on my dad's face?

'I wondering what is it mean by that', I was confused and try to find an answer to it, that feeling showed up into my head again, is it really that way? Unfortunately my concern is becoming true, I'm sure of it when I saw the long fluffy tail behind my dad. Oh...

"Hi Jerry~~~~~~" I heard the familiar voice just minutes ago, my parents step aside to show me the figure hiding behind them. The beige raccoon couldn't stop holding his big smile on his face.

"Ehhh......AHHH!!!!" He put his arms around me throwing himself into me, I receding backward because of his weight and bumped one chair fall right onto it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM !!!!!!!

"噢, Ethan 好热情喔!(Oh~Ethan is so warm~)" My mom put her hands together under her chin and sink into her "Girly feelings", Again... -_-#

"啊!快从我身上起来啦!(Ah, ge... get off me!)" I yelled at the beige raccoon, all of this things is unexpected for me, I'd never thought he would come. The beige raccoon quickly moved away form me with worry on his face as he might hurt me already, after sawing me all right he started to teasing me again.

"哎, 你就这样对待你的哥哥的?(Well, this is how you treat your big brother?)" He adjusted himself with a smirk on his face. Oh, he never found that boring.

"理论上来说并不是. (Theoretically, no.)" I blurted it out and looking at my parents trying to get some help, my father shrugged his shoulder and chuckled about it, Oh he...

"Oh..." The beige raccoon's tail dropped down after what he had heard, the sense of loss showing up with his expression. Maybe I've hurt him...

The beige raccoon eyes shock opened and jumped a little all of the sudden when a pair of arms around his body, the warmth of it comforted his lostness inside. He realized the long light goldenrod yellow hair wrapped him with its owner, those four ponytail swinging around him and he could see the golden crystal eye is looking at him. He hugged the light goldenrod yellow hedgehog back, melting down in the hedgehog's gentle but warmly closed hug.

"I'm sorry..." I said to him quietly with my regretful shakily voice. I didn't meant to hurt anybody.

"I'll always forgive you my little." The beige raccoon looked down at me with a worming smile. He starting to stroke my hair and untied two of my hair ring in the back letting my hair free. "Two around your temples are already enough."

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