In to reality

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"所以暑假过后我就会和Ethan一起去国外念书?(So,you mean I'll go to high school with Ethan oversea after summer?)" I sighed to my parents after the explanation they've got to me, 'Oh,this is what Ethan mean by the homework...' I'm facing at the fact reluctantly that all of these day's hard working is useless now.

My mom nodded to me, tears runs down from her aquamarine eyes moisturized her cheek, she put a forced smile on her face and said to me that she is going to make dinner for us now and quickly worked into the kitchen. She doesn't want me to see her cry at this particular moment, she knew I'll loose my control for it and also not wanting her nephew awake upstairs. She always doing housework all of the sudden when she is going to cry out to help her distract from the sadness back of the time when my parents used to wrangled, it is really hard for my mom to the fact how bad-tempered my father used to be.

My father stranded there gazed me said nothing, his aquamarine eyes somehow is little reddish, was he cried? 'No, my father wouldn't crying like that for me, he will not. Right dad?' I moved my way aside when my father walking to me from his way going upstair, he smiled at me when we meet our gaze, it was a forced smile. 'He does.'

"Dad!" The cyan hedgehog looked at me and stopped his way in the middle of the stairway, waiting for my next sentence.

"Can you t..." I choked my voice down and shake my head, "Oh, never mind."

"Ok... tell me when you are ready." He sighed and continued his way going upstair.

My father, well... my dad is Ethnic Chinese also, he didn't show me until my first year in the International school, he always talk with me using Chinese fluently. He told me I need to learn English when I was little but I couldn't understand what English is till we officially having English class in grade 2. I didn't think it much about how my father's foreign accent come from that time because he told me that he used to have a job oversea before marrying my mother. It is really easy to put my mom's puzzle together, but for my dad, it is tough...

I was dazed, standing in the living room don't know what I can do nor where I can go, my mom is preparing dinner for us alone in the kitchen, my dad is being upstairs and Ethan probably is sleeping deeply in my room. I looked at the backyard as the last hope, unfortunately it is getting dark pretty fast outside, those lights lightened up seconds later but couldn't banished the darkness out there, leaving a blurry image of the peaceful and secluded pathway to the garden outside.

'Maybe he is still awake' I told to my self and started to walk upstair towards my bedroom.

I open the door slowly and sneak my head in glance around the room, the beige raccoon curled up on the bed rubbing his face into my blanket purring with enjoyment. 'Is my cotton blanket that soft and comfortable?' His ears twitched like he noticed someone's appearances and rubbing his face into my blanket even more.

"Ehh, Ethan..." I whispered but have no response, I quietly closed the door behind and sneaked to the opposite side of my bed where he lay at. He turned his body towards my side and curling into a ball again with my cotton blanket, snuggling on it with happy face. 'Oh, he really likes my cotton blanket though.'

I gazed at him observing his posture in sleep, I must say the fashionable beige raccoon look very amiable when he is asleep. Suddenly an unknown force pull me down onto the bed, I looking at the beige raccoon's sleeping face eyes widened feeling someone grabbing my wrist, we are just inches away. I can feel the beige raccoon's steady breath blowing my face, my hair scattered around on the side of bed and those ponytails were behind my shoulder. We were separated only by a cotton blanket, 'Oh the blanket IS comfortable!'. I saw my wrist was holding by the beige raccoon with his bending arm near by his chest across with the blanket, rubbing his face into it and purring happily with it. My cheek burned so much because of his movement, I try to moving away not awaking him but failed, he put his arm around me squeezing it hardly like hugging a fluffy pillow as he always did when we were in the dorm.

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