Getting to knowing Sonic, Shadow and You (Part 1)

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This is not the first time I've been getting up late in the morning. The light coming through the window lighting up the bedroom, the faint GreenYellow paint on the war reflected a gentle light touch on my face drive me back from the dizziness to the reality. I rub my eyes with my hand gently and sit up from my bed, oh I must fell to my pillow again! I can feel my blood suddenly topple over from my head to my body, what is that word again? Giddy....

I looked at the beige raccoon laying beside me, simpering quietly at him and laying back on the bed again beside him. 'His sleeping face is so calm~' My gaze focus at the beige raccoon who still in a deep slumber, nuzzling up to the cotton blanket breathing in a slow and calm pace blowing the warm air into my face, 'Aww, like the old day in school~'.

Today is the first day of the summer break.

I grabbed my phone on the bedside table seeing the digital number showing on the display, It's 9:30 in the morning. "Oh, It's already in this time?" I heard the familiar voice coming from my back, the beige raccoon looked at me rubbing his brown eyes hiding in his coca-colored fur around his eyes.

"Seems like someone didn't sleep yesterday night~" I said with a playful smile and sit up on the bed again.

"Oh~~~ yes. That is TOTALLY the reason why I have my dark circles." The beige raccoon said full of sarcasm, he grabbed my wrist and pull me down onto the bed, wrapping his arm around me locked me down. 'Ah, It's become dizzy again...'

"Sooo~~~ Take a nap with me?" The beige raccoon's voice muffled into the cotton blanket nuzzled it against me, purring with enjoyment. I didn't move because of the dizziness, 'Just let it beeeeeee...'.

My big brother loosed his holding around me suddenly, looking at me with worry. He said sorry to me when he saw the dazed pupils of mine realizing he made me dizzy. The beige raccoon pulled me up made me sit on the bed, rubbing my temples using his hand in a slow gentle movement.

"Thanks..." I said. It is much better now.

"No prob my little~ Heh heh..." The beige raccoon simpering at me while still rubbing my temples, 'I must be the most happiest little hedgie in the world to have a such good big brother~' My body moved closer to the beige raccoon and eventually nestled myself into his chest with pleasure, he didn't been bothered by that and keep massaging my head, supporting himself onto the large arched headboard.

"Feeling good your highness?" He lowered his head watching me relaxing on his chest said ironically.

"Good enough~" I try to make a British accent but failed, we both laugh at each other at the same time.

My big brother pulled me up from his chest again, I got up and sit in front of him, grinning at the beige raccoon wildly. The beige raccoon looked at me with the question face, I hugged him quickly not giving him a second to react and put my cheek close to his, rubbing it back and forth. I noticed my big brother's cheek is getting hotter, I moved backward to be able to look at him. The beige raccoon just sits there without any movement, his cheek blushed so madly while spacing out for a short time. He put his right hand on his cheek and looking at me, surprised by me.

"What is that for?" He asks me with disbelieving about what had just happened.

"Come on~ It is the first day of the summer break, aren't you excited?" I look at him with excitement showing on my face then realized something that is out of the picture.

'Ah, they do have people who can change their personality like flipping page.' I put my right hand on my forehead trying to avoid my big brother's gaze, the beige raccoon looked at me confused, waiting for my answer.

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