Knowing the outside world

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I looked at the beige raccoon's passionate eyes shaking my head, knowing he is trying to change the topic. The beige raccoon is absolutely sure about that I have no idea who Sonic the Hedgehog is showing on his face with that playful smirk, 'He knew I'm not the social network type. =_=' he appeared to be amused by my expression on my face and left out a small titter.

"You know it exactly I'm not the social network type..." I muttered to him and sighed hardly, 'Still not ready yet Mom???'.

"Yeah yeah I know~" He give me a mild ok-I-give-up smile while scratching back of his head. The door opened when he is going to continue, we looked at the doorway and saw a cyan figure standing over there.

'Oh, finally MOM!' I put my hand over my chest and sighed showing the immense of relief, the beige raccoon frowned at me raising one of his eyebrow up annoyed, 'Am I bothering you that much!?' showing on his face. I smile at my big brother edgily, a big sweat beat showing on my head, 'Sorry I didn't mean that...'.

"晚饭已经准备好了. (Dinner is ready~)" My mom smiled at us and turning on the side light, our eyes shut quickly of the sudden light appeared into the shadowy room, we opened our eyes a minute later after adjusted from it. We look at each other embarrassedly, we've been totally forgotten about to turn on the light...

Dinner is going very smoothly, my parents reintroduced the event ceremonially that I will be having high school with Ethan in his hometown which is at the another side of the world. Ethan seems very happy about it even though he already knew about it, he enjoyed the dinner very much. I am not surprised about the feast my mom prepared for today's dinner, it is very obvious why this is a big incident for my parents. There are 11 formal Chinese Traditional dishes and one large bowl of 酒酿圆子 (Jiuniang yuanzi) in total of 12 dishes representing 12 month of the year, the large bowl of 酒酿圆子 (Jiuniang yuanzi) meaning the reunion for the family. My mom didn't want me to go, apparently.

My mom is very happy to see Ethan enjoyed the meal, the beige raccoon can't restrain his desire to having every single of those dishes and keeps eating, the happiness showing on his face.

"噢! 这些菜真是太好吃了!(Oh, this dishes are sooooo good!)" The beige raccoon praised to my mom with his fluent Chinese. Sometimes I feel what a shame for my mom that she couldn't learn English to be a bilingualism, but, she makes these delicious meals instead!

"噢~谢谢夸奖.(Aww~thank you~)" My mom has a big smile on her face, she looks very happy to see her nephew likes her dishes.

I smile at the beige raccoon and told him don't eat that fast, but my big brother is sink into those delicious meal's indescribable taste couldn't hear me. Eventually he... Well, been choked by the rice...

We can't stop our laughing, my mom give the beige raccoon a glass of water while giggling, my big brother drink the glass of water exhaustedly trying to gasp for the fresh air, he silly...

"I told you..." I said with sarcasm while patting his back helping the beige raccoon sitting beside me make sure he is still "alive". My big brother looks at me embarrassedly with some pink showing on his cheek, 'Oh he is kawaii.'

My dad called Ethan after the enjoyable dinner wanted to having a conversation with him privately. I was helping my mom to clean the plate near by the sink beside my mom, I put those cleaned tableware into the Disinfection cabinet wanted to finished the work quickly. I was wondering what exactly my dad is talking to Ethan that he needs to talk with him privately upstair, I rested myself into a chair in the living room downstair and sighed, it is rude to eavesdropping those personal conversation and think about it, how would people see you later on? They will never trust you.

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