Getting Stared

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I narrowed my eye almost into a slit looking at the pile of books that almost drove me crazy, how in the world did I pass over this days? I put those books into by bag pack and zip it quickly, at least I'm free now, finally I can enjoy my summer break now!

"啊!我在说什么傻话呢!" I said to my self how naive I am, of course this will not be that easy to 'have a rest in the summer break'. There will always have some events going out there and I have to be attend some of it that including me. I already know one of it, which is the final classmate party before graduating from middle school, it is the last time we can play with each other as a child, after that we will be... Well... Serious teenager...

Telling the truth, I still not felling I am the friend of them after three years of studying and living together in dormitory, our relationship is very "stable" in the moment, not getting down nor a fact getting up. I'm not saying they are not being friendly to me, in the opposite they are really nice to me when I arrived into the classroom introduced by our homeroom teacher at the first time. I guess it is because they probably seeing me as an elegant girl due to my long light goldenrod yellow hair hanging down onto my shoulder from both sides, I could remember I wore my hair in two long braid from my temples because I just in the mood on that time.


I glance at my teacher and he continued his talking.

"同学们,今天我们班又来了一位新同学,他的名字叫Jerry。同学们要好好跟他相处,让他适应新的环境,保持他的学习状态。" After a short introduction of me I saw him looked at me and smiled, it's made me nervous because I know he knew my gender exactly. He obviously wants me to introduce myself a little since I'm completely muted all the time when he is talking like he is acting the monologue to these student which made him little awkward.

I take a deep breath ready to scare them, I could see some blush showing up on some of those boys sizing me up, I understand how ridiculous this seems to look like to them, the 'beautiful girl' standing in front of them is actually a "psychopathy". Thankfully, I was interrupted by the sound of the opening door from the back of the classroom. I could see a very tall foreign look teacher walking towards the table standing half meter in front of me, I look up at him very nervously as my tails shrink close to my body. He seems to be noticed and chuckled.

"You don't need to be nervous, Jerry." He knew my name? So he is our Foreign homeroom teacher I guess. 'He is so tall!' I looking up at him hesitated, he look very nice as his voice, he is a very tall wolf with light gray fur if you can see.

"O...Ok... Mr. McBroom." I said with a shaky voice to him, fortunately my child's voice didn't changed yet in my age, I supposed everyone in the presence would have been changing in the process.

Nature is playing trick on me, first is the disappearance of that two dorsal fin thing on the back when I was born, second is the fever that changed my cyan fur into this Albinism like color and replaced my spiked quills into this PATHETIC LONG SOFT HAIR! And now is getting further intensified, My VOICE! I don't expect every one can accept me as a normal person, I knew that's impossible. But I don't want to be isolated any more, I'll never forget the face of those people, and their disgusted expression showing on their faces...

He looks little surprised at me of knowing his name which this is our first meet. I must say I'm little more 'considerate' just glance at the poster board on the out side wall of the classroom few more times when I entered the classroom with the teacher. It is a poster about the best teacher at last semester though, I saw Mr. McBroom's picture at the very top of the poster that every one could see him easily, he is the leader of the International Grades group also. He pulls his hand out to me and I pull my hand out as well and shake his hand gently. Oh, he is a strong man!

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