The Graduation Party

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"Come on Jerry, we need to go now~" The beige raccoon yelled at me downstairs, hastening me to hurry up.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone ready to walk downstairs, feeling really nervous about the event going to happen a few hours later. "Ok, on my way~"

It is the day, the day for our graduation party.

It was a never ending story in the past six days. My parents brought us to the mountain park at the weekend before the graduation party days ago. It has been so long that my parents have spare time during in the whole weekend, they usually just have one day off and it's often on Sunday which is the day I need to go to school at night by school bus. I've never demand or expect they could bring me out at weekend, they've already done so many things for me. I knew they were overtaking their job just to prepare more funds for my study in the future time, my parents want the best for me even though sacrificing their own precious time with me in the weekend. Living with this kind of parents, what more could I ask for?

"Hurry up Jerry, I don't want to loose my diploma!~" The beige raccoon turned his side towards the direction where the stairs are and whined with a playful tone, teasing me as he always did.

"On my way from stairs!" I rolled my eyes and pick up the pace going downstairs. Of course we will not loose our diploma, there are still two hours before ten o'clock and of course, that is just a joke from our class monitor.

I can see my parents standing beside the doorway with the beige raccoon waiting for me. My big brother is wearing his black leather jackets again, it is little unaccustomed for me since I'm used to seeing him wearing the casual plain shirt in the past six days or in another word, I am used to seeing the beige raccoon as my big brother instead of one of my foreign classmate. Three of them smiled at me when they saw me on the ground floor and starting to walk outside. The beige raccoon waited for me and reaches out his palm to me indicates me to give my backpack to him, wanted to carry it for me. I shake my head while smile at him. I can't be spoiled by him even though he always pet me dotingly which I really want him to do at home, but during in the public... We need to restrain ourselves. 'What a change of characteristic have I got!'

The beige raccoon sighed to himself and walk out the house after me, accompany beside me after my parents have locked the door. We get into the car and sit at the back waiting for my parents, the beige raccoon combing my hair with his hand trying to straighten it because some part of it is pressed behind my back. I sit forward letting my long light goldenrod yellow hair free from my back and tied it into two long ponytails with the hair ring I prepared in my pocket, leaving the hair around my temples swinging down freely while looking to my big brother who has dragged back his hand from me already, concern showing on my face.

"Are you not worried about your friend will look at you when they seeing you act like this to me in front of them?"

"As long as you be your truly self in front of them my little~" The beige raccoon said mysteriously with an unreadable smile, insinuated me something. Before I could ask him more about it I heard my parents opening the car door from outside.

"Ok guys, ready to go?" My dad asks us sits in the driver seat looking at us towards the mirror.

"Ready!" Ethan said with excitement, fastening his seat belt. I sighed and nodded to my dad in the mirror, he adjusted the mirror to the right spot and start the engine. My mom looked back at us in the passenger seat checking if everything is ok for the last time, she smiles at me and turned her head back started to talk to my dad about something dealing with their work after they sent us to the school. I looked at the landscape outside the window, noticing the beige raccoon is watching me while a smile showing on his face through the faint reflection on the glass, 'Why he is looking at me?' I ignored him and keep focusing my view on the "scenery" outside. The view is going backward when the car started to move with the low breath of the engine. Yet, he still gazes at me.

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