Getting to knowing Sonic, Shadow and You (Part 2)

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I looked at my big brother blinking my eyes, the beige raccoon smiled at me kindly, put his laptop onto his lap and searching something in the browser again. The picture is showing on the window slowly, but this time only a few photo instead.

"Oh, he is not the camera type does he?" I said playfully hoping the frown on the beige raccoon's face could alleviate a little. However, I realized I was doing the opposite when a heavy sigh comes out.

"Well... you see..." My big brother watched me helplessly, "He was the top secret on the other side of the world, it is very obvious that they block the information from here. I think I'll do that if I were them..."

I was confused at the moment, thinking about what the beige raccoon had told me. My mind is shocked after realizing what he is talking about, 'A Top Secret! Was?'

"He WAS a top secret?!" I yelled at him so loud, the beige raccoon covers his ears grinning painfully, glare at me while whining. I didn't mean that...

"Ouch! Je~r~ry!!!" He whined at me acted in a spoilt way, 'No, he Definitely Not been hurt by me' I said to myself sarcastically and quickly apologize to the beige raccoon who still rubbing his ears with tears in his eyes, he had really sensitive ears I can say, But, Only Been Sensitive In Front Of ME!

"Yeh, he was. He was the top secret until Sonic found him few years ago, I didn't sure about is it true or not but that is what I've heard from others." The beige raccoon focusing on the screen of his laptop again, typing another groups of words searching it one by one. After a minute he clicked on the link and turned his laptop towards me, breathing out with relief. "Here is him finally..."

I sizing up at the hedgehog in the picture which looks like an Identification photo that supposed to be in a project file. 'How did he get this?!' I glanced at my big brother with disbelief and draw back my view quickly, he didn't notice it. 'At least I can take a nice full view of him'.

Coarse and close-lying black fur covering all his body didn't like Sonic has somewhere exposed. Six elongated quills coming out from the back of his head, the outer four are bent upwards slightly, I wonder how he did that, but realizing I have no right to judging people from their out looking as one of the "special". Still, like other boys have, the arching quills on his back... What catching my eyes is the triangular patch of tufted white chest fur and the red stripes on several parts of his body including his quills, arms, legs, and on the upper corners of his eyes, getting wider at the start and narrowed in the end of it. I couldn't see it that clear in the picture but I suppose those red stripes is in a shape of the parallelogram or even further, rhombus. He has the long and thin black-furred legs that broaden below the knees like Sonic's, giving him the strength to be able to catch up with Sonic as his rival. The ebony hedgehog wearing a pair of white gloves backed by the black and red-tongued cuffs, the gold rings clicked into place on the cuffs when placed back on after being taken off; a pair of white, black, red and yellow air shoes installed with five jets. Collars and rings similar to his glove cuffs and rings are situated above his shoes, covered the red stripes going under it. He staring at the camera by the large, very serious looking eyes with ruby red irises, black pupils and glassy white sclera, never smiled. The tan skin muzzle of his just setting it off even more. Shadow, the name really represents him.

I gazed at the photo of the ebony hedgehog didn't notice the time have already passed by, the golden rings on his wrist and ankle seems to have another purpose not only just be the jewelry accessories. In somehow I got an idea that those golden rings is like a, well, chain of his freedom. From the first impression of him I can tell that he is like the opposite of Sonic, he is serious, formidable, hard to be near by and yet, alone... Even just looked at the picture, people who are similar will having the resonance from each other, he might look "difficult to be close to" or acting very serious to other people, but eyes will never telling the lie. I know the emptiness deep in his pupils of his ruby red eyes so well, he might trick those "lab people" by his perfect acting skills but none of it is meaningful in front of a person who have been through the same feeling before.

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